Presidential Debate Thread

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Oh, in my point about the Chinese currency, we do have tariffs on raw materials that are quite steep (266% on steel for example) but the chinese just send it to Viet Nam where it is changed slightly or a final ingredient added and then ship it to us paying the Viet Nam tariff rather than the chinese one. My example was consumer goods (finished)
I thought Trump "won" the first 30 mins but after the "birther " question he sank and then his defense about Iraq was personal chats with a friend???

Clinton came off as a career politician that quoted prepared remarks but didn't provide hope and Trump was way too defensive but passionate about his economic views. His dig at Yellen was spot on as was the assertion of a bubble. Wall Street is the BEST place to keep money NOW but in Dec, when the Fed will be forced to raise rates, we'll be back at the Brexit vote and commodities will be the safe haven of choice.

I questioned Clinton's "Intel surge" as a CT strategy...where are those assets coming from...and laughed at the idea "we should go after Baghdadi" and her position on cyber. Why aren't we doing those things now?

The exchange about nuclear weapons was really stupid and shouldn't have been a topic.

To me the night was for independents: who would make American lives better? A politician whith deep roots to all things ugly in Washington or an outsider with deep ties to the business world?
His message was solid, but she got to him. Every time he would interrupt her, or put his face close to the microphone and give a "NO!" while she was speaking, my wife would roll her eyes. He scored little points with female conservatives who need to be converted. They stand on the line of a man who has a history of saying unkind things about women, vs the idea of voting in their first woman president.
And yet the preliminary, very nonscientific polls all have Trump winning the debate, even Time (53%) and CNBC(66%) Drudge has it at 82%

I still think nothing changed and that's fine for Trump. Clinton reiterated the same talking points that every dem politician has, and did it in a passive voice "we need to" vs Trump's call to action in the active voice "We will/I will"
And yet the preliminary, very nonscientific polls all have Trump winning the debate, even Time (53%) and CNBC(66%) Drudge has it at 82%

The bar was set low for him. All he to do was not act like himself, which for the most part he was successful. Right now he has momentum.
I didn't bother to watch the debates....I knew I could come here to get accurate, unbiased opinions.....:-"

LOL...but there's truth in what you say, Kemosabe. You'll probably get a more straight forward-analysis on Shadowspear than on any of the networks. Because most of the people who post here, regardless of political affiliation, are smarter and more worldly than mere TV personalities.
Even when he is being "Trump", he does make me laugh out loud sometimes. He's handlers must pop xanex like candy...

Rosie O'Donnell slams Trump as an 'orange anus'

'Somebody who's been very vicious to me, Rosie O'Donnell – I said very tough things to her. And I think everybody would agree that she deserves it, and nobody feels sorry for her,' Trump said.
Even when he is being "Trump", he does make me laugh out loud sometimes. He's handlers must pop xanex like candy...

Rosie O'Donnell slams Trump as an 'orange anus'

'Somebody who's been very vicious to me, Rosie O'Donnell – I said very tough things to her. And I think everybody would agree that she deserves it, and nobody feels sorry for her,' Trump said.

I swear, he will actually gain votes for his feud with O'Donnell....
I do think trump said the right things for his base. That is evidenced by posts here. I think he embarrassed himself to independents or undecided voters. His lack of polish is astounding. He is not articulate, and the personal attacks on irrelevant celebrities? For real?

Yup, no bias there... Look at the sample sizes and the locations.

BTW, even Michael Moore said Trump won Michael Moore Says Trump ‘Won’ The Debate

Easy way to tell which side of the debate a "news" site is on. The company that does the "Add My Name" ads only places the ad on sites that have a majority of readers that match the candidate. Want to know which way the organization is biased? Look for the ad.:

I offer you this as a counter-piece:
How Trump won over a bar full of undecideds and Democrats | New York Post

“I’ve been a Democrat all of my life, but when Clinton mentions her husband and the jobs he brought to the country in the ’90s, it’s not a fair assessment. She is no moderate Democrat the way he was, her policies would not bring back jobs,” said Nathan Nemick

When Al Gore turned the party toward its progressive wing in 2000, however, he left behind Westmoreland County (PA) Democrats.

Democrats here are more traditional in their values — they are pro-gun, pro-life, pro-coal, something today’s Democratic Party has left no room for.
Things have gotten so polarized most politicians forget that the Blue Dog democrats still exist, but they do, especially in the south.
That's very interesting. The changes in party politics back then and the few elections up to '68 make for good reads. But I had no idea Blue Dog democrats are still around. I have lived as far south as central VA and other than great NASCAR, less ethnic diversity, and good moonshine, it isn't that different from Fairfax County or Loudoun County.
That's very interesting. The changes in party politics back then and the few elections up to '68 make for good reads. But I had no idea Blue Dog democrats are still around. I have lived as far south as central VA and other than great NASCAR, less ethnic diversity, and good moonshine, it isn't that different from Fairfax County or Loudoun County.

The I-85 corridor in NC, and parts of I-40, are largely democrat, especially because of the migrating population from out of state for work, school, or retirement. If you go east of I-95 or more than 30 miles off any interstate, it becomes very much more conservative, even with the democrats. They are still around but just don't make the noise as the more liberal dems in the urban centers. In fact there are still democrats around who think FDR was Satan personified.
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