Presidential Debate Thread

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Gravis Post-Debate Poll: Trump +4 -- Undecideds Go to Trump Over Hillary 34% to 5%

lol, it's funny because even the BBC article I was reading earlier admitted the moderator chose questions that went real easy on Clinton. Yet, with all that, she's still behind.

Barely a mention of emails, the Foundation, etc... if those get brought up properly in future, she's toast.

I must admit I am torn about the debate. Clinton look polished and Trump not so much. Both had good lines and counter lines. Trump should have not interrupted and Clinton shouldn't have reacted at times, although overall she looked calmer.

You realize he interrupted her only four more times than she did he? I wonder if she had the questions in advance?
Maybe nothing? But it will be better than Trump.

Hillary's positions:

Hillary Clinton on women's rights and opportunity

I tried to find a similar page for Trump, but it does not seem to be a thing...

How many bills did she sponsor in the Senate focused on those issues? What did she do at State to promote women's rights (tough to do within USG because it's illegal to make decisions based on age, gender, race, etc)?
How many bills did she sponsor in the Senate focused on those issues? What did she do at State to promote women's rights (tough to do within USG because it's illegal to make decisions based on age, gender, race, etc)?

What has Trump done apart from shit all over the way women look? I don't know that she is the BEST ever. She is miles ahead of Trump though in that regard.
Here is the legislation that Senator Clinton sponsored and actually made it to the Resolute Desk.

Impressive ability to work across the aisle and negotiate.

Search Bills in Congress -

This is what made it out of the Senate.

Search Bills in Congress -

Voting record when she was campaigning:

Time Period Votes Eligible Missed Votes Percent Percentile
2007 Jul-Sep 119 26 21.8% 93rd
2007 Oct-Dec 85 71 83.5% 99th
2008 Jan-Mar 85 38 44.7% 97th
2008 Apr-Jun 77 60 77.9% 98th
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He also has said dtraight up that he doesn't respect women, has called them cows, forced one to go to the gym, regularly demeans women in public.... and on and on.

All women? I thought he was talking about a select few with whom he had disputes. I'm can only assume the list is probably as long as Clinton's female enemies list.

Regarding the beauty contestant, she was under contract.

I'm not condoning Trump's comments as much as I'm calling BS on assertions that Clinton will advance women's rights simply because she's a woman. She will advance whoever pays the most.
Does anyone have ideas how Johnson would have changed the debate? I think he would have kept the focus on the issues instead of Trump's repeated claims of how successful he's been in business.

Since there was no sarcasm smiley attached to this comment, I shall state: Well said, sir!

Donald Trump sexism tracker: Every offensive comment in one place

My personal 2016 fave:

"'There has to be some form of punishment,' he told MSNBC, referring to women who would seek to defy the (abortion) ban.

Trump reversed his position two hours later, with a statement saying that he would punish doctors who performed abortions but not the women themselves."
I don't get the whole he doesn't respect any women deal... He has a wife, it seems if he didn't respect her she'd divorce and run with all the crazy amounts of money. My opinion...
I don't get the whole he doesn't respect any women deal... He has a wife, it seems if he didn't respect her she'd divorce and run with all the crazy amounts of money. My opinion...

You are 17 years old and likely know Trump from his reality TV shows more than anything else. Years before you were even born, hell maybe before your parents even met, Trump was saying some very unkind things about women...publicly. Go onto YouTube and do searches at some of the things he has said. Specifically about Rosie O'Donnell. Now to be fair...i HATE Rosie O'Donnell, but I do not talk poorly about her in front of my wife or children because I respect them, and do not want them to hear me say things I would never want them to repeat. Trump has no such filter...his own camp cannot control him.

I'm getting off track here. The bottom line is that you have not had enough life experiences yet to understand why your statement about his CURRENT wife running off with the money if he was disrespectful to her, is so off base. I try not to use Wiki as a source for much, but it is usually pretty solid for stuff like this...he's known to have had multiple affairs, after his kids were born, which in my world gives him an automatic FAIL on the "respect of women" test.
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