Presidential Debate Thread

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Yeah, fair enough. It's the "Schroedinger's Douchebag" fallacy. Float some ridiculous shit out there, and when people respond unfavorably, just say you were joking.

I'll agree with that, but if you call him on that, you have to call her on some of her ridiculous crap.
Which one do you see as the subject matter expert?

Personally, I think that Trump's problem in this debate is that he's taking mental leaps that most people won't follow. He's definitely smart, but he has to realize that when you are engaging in public speech and debate you have to lower the language to the lowest denominator and fully explain the concept. Taking the mental leaps that he is taking isn't helping his case.

I thought it was just the opposite. It sounds to me like he is talking the facebook comment version of things.
I'll agree with that, but if you call him on that, you have to call her on some of her ridiculous crap.
Oh, no one is immune man. The only problem is the sheer amount of ridiculous shit Trump has put out there. By volume only, he makes himself the primary target.
Wow... "I support our democracy" - Hillary Clinton

We're not a democracy, we're a democratic republic. There's a difference. I would expect a potential President to know it.
Thankfully the volume's down, but it sounded like people were cheering or jeering Trump at the end. Anyone have a recap?
She gets points for the "stamina" comeback.
I think Bill would say much different with the 10 mistresses he had along the way...

@compforce @ThunderHorse all the preconceptions aside, do you feel like Trump brought his A game tonight?[/QUOTE]

He definitely missed some key points, but overall I'd say his performance was way above what he was doing during the Republican debates.
Everything went basically as you'd expect. Clinton pressed for social justice and globalism. Trump pushed for nationalism. Both of them took shots at each other. The moderator took a lot of shots at Trump through his questions. He called Trump out several times for things he's said in the past and only softballed Clinton on the emails.

One thing that completely infuriates me about these televised debates is that the moderator isn't moderating. All kinds of things happened that should have never been allowed in an honest debate starting with Hillary calling Trump racist (BTW, Hillary took the first shot at Trump in her opening question and he didn't take the bait until she kept hammering him personally and the moderator didn't do anything). She's on record for some of the same kinds of statements more recently than Trump. But NEITHER of them should have been allowed to pursue personal attacks like that.

I don't think anyone's going to change their position based on the debate.
Real question though- the preparation piece is a big talking point.

@compforce @ThunderHorse all the preconceptions aside, do you feel like Trump brought his A game tonight?

I didn't expect him to. I think he is playing the long game and will bring the A game now that he's seen her rules. I do think that he made some really good points before the whole thing devolved into name calling.
I didn't expect him to. I think he is playing the long game and will bring the A game now that he's seen her rules. I do think that he made some really good points before the whole thing devolved into name calling.
Ok, cool. What were your top three points that Trump made that should endure?

I think Bill would say much different with the 10 mistresses he had along the way...
See? Shroedingers Douchebag.
Anyone else find it weird that Hillary kept the stage, and shook hands while Trump just bounced with his family?

I was watching the audience for an hour during the pregame show. It was not an evenly split audience. I'd wager it was approximately 2/3 hardcore democrats and 1/3 republicans and independents. I'd probably just go as well. Then again, he may also have something else scheduled that doesn't leave him with much time afterwards. His campaign is more about meeting the people and using social media than it is about glad handing with the hardcores that will vote for him anyhow.
I was watching the audience for an hour during the pregame show. It was not an evenly split audience. I'd wager it was approximately 2/3 hardcore democrats and 1/3 republicans and independents. I'd probably just go as well. Then again, he may also have something else scheduled that doesn't leave him with much time afterwards. His campaign is more about meeting the people and using social media than it is about glad handing with the hardcores that will vote for him anyhow.

You can tell from looking at people what party they are?
Can't argue with facts. And that's only the mistresses we know about.
So.....Bill Clinton had extramarital affairs because Hillary Clinton 'lacks stamina' to be a viable presidential candidate?

I hope you don't take this personally, but that's a borderline retarded statement.
Ok, cool. What were your top three points that Trump made that should endure?

1) We've made some really bad deals that have cost Americans jobs and destroyed the economy. We're getting ready to do another one now (TPP) that will give incentives to companies to hire from outside the country even more. If you think the current H1-B visa problem is bad, just wait until that goes into effect with its "working document" provision that lets them change the agreement without further ratification by Congress. It would pretty much wipe out any limitations on guest workers from any signatory country. BTW, you do know that we just gave control of the internet to the global community, right?

eta: For the record, the democrats are mostly against TPP and the republicans are mostly for it, which confuses the hell out of me

2)China is sucking the life out of our economy through their deliberate devaluation of their currency. This one is going to be forgotten or, like that fact checking page, deliberately misrepresented. Here's how it works... First, every good we export to China gets a huge tax imposed on it (in US Dollars). The reverse is that we import goods from China and the tax is used to subsidize it. That means that, if we were to import and export the same item, US Dollars effectively get transferred from US Corporations as well as some of our tax dollars to the chinese. Take the example of a pen that costs 1.00 to make. For the sake of argument, let's say that both companies need a 25% gross Margin on that pen. That means that for us to meet our net margin (against cost) we would have to sell it at 1.50 (and so would the chinese). Margin Calculator However... The US manufacturer has to pay an average 16.5% import tax to China...Import duty & taxes when importing into China - DutyCalculator Help Center so 1.50*16.5=0.2475 meaning the US manufacturer gets 25.25 cents for each pen in Gross Profit, against which shipping, insurance and operational costs are all charged. The chinese manufacturer on the other hand sends the same pen the other way and we don't tax it at all (we signed a one sided free trade agreement with them). So the Chinese Manufacturer gets to keep all of the profit.. a full 50 cents on each pen, but wait...the chinese government also uses part of the taxes that they collect from us to subsidize the pen maker so their cost goes down below 1.00/pen...paid for by the US Manufacturer. In the end, this is why equivalent quality products made in china are cheaper than US made products, cheaper labor, subsidies paid for by US Manufacturers and lack of negative policy and regulatory costs including tax effects. Now add into that whole equation the currency devaluation and the exchange rates also favor the chinese. If the materials for the pen costs USD$1.00, in the US, the same materials imported , for simplicity from the US, cost USD$0.75 (guestimation) once the currency devaluation is calculated in, further exacerbating the trade disparity in favor of the chinese. There's a reason all the big manufacturers like Apple use Chinese subsidiaries to do the work. Eliminate that huge advantage and the jobs that were taken over to China would come roaring back. Too many people forget that America's economy has always been a manufacturing/export economy. If you want to fix it, we have to get back to manufacturing. Trump tried to make this point, but without research most will have missed it. Trump just can't articulate the problem in a way that allows the masses to understand it, especially in the 2 minutes he is allotted.

3)We need to be stronger on enforcement of both our immigration laws and our internal laws. We've talked about this one at length, I'm not going to rehash it again.
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