I've been following this issue for the duration and its been an interesting discussion. It's been going on for years if the EU Report on Echelon is anything to go by, Google it as its freely available. Privacy. There is an expectation of it, but not, as most leave the last bit out, if you are involved in criminal activity. So are we all involved in criminal activity now? The answer is no I would imagine for everyone here, but what if shit comes up trumps? A case can be built with the information the alphabets can get, dig? Anyone been to Utah lately? If any government one fine day said, "ok folks we are going to require every one of you to have a personal tracking device." Can you imagine the shitstorm? Well it's happened, we gave up without a fight, not even a fucking whimper.
Your average guy is toast when it comes to this, but there are measures you can take if you want to.
Your average guy is toast when it comes to this, but there are measures you can take if you want to.