The 2018 Moderator Election Smack Talking Thread

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I forgot about Kradle and the claim of weiner licking.

Kradle just hated me because I called him on his bullshit, another guy called me 'weiner licker' because I didn't fall for his line of crap and expected him to comport himself as a human not an entitled pos.

Thanks for the tunes boss, maybe you could change up the video piece and have a cartoon WB dancing to the lousy rap.

He doesn't even follow the rules of English, despite extolling the virtues of correct English ALL THE DAMN TIME.

And to you, my Kiwi nemesis, I offer this: Politics and the English Language, George Orwell, 1946


It is so real it's surreal...
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If you come at @DasBoot, you best not miss. The man's gotta code and y'all expect to run with the wolves come night but you spend all day sparring with puppies.

(Das, if you're going to have an Omar Little avatar, you need to bring the quotes. All in the game, yo, all in the game. I'm going to give you some random hate for your lack of vision.

Break, break...I think @Ooh-Rah is either dropping something epic or rick rolling us. His future could hang in the balance, we don't have time for a campaign lacking in trash talking.

The biggest reason for this thread being weak is due to lack of participation. One person can only troll so much before it loses its fun. This is all of waiting for this "mic drop."

Says the dude (or woman idk what Sailors identify as anymore).
Never stood a day in a Navy uniform so can't say I identify as a sailor.
Don't they cut your balls out when you join the Air Force? Cav just gets a hat to keep the sun out of our eyes. And you can drink out of it.
Funny, except I'm not, nor have I ever been, in the Air Force.

All this great situational awareness around here. Now all we need is one person, like a Moderator, to ask for a picture of a Ranger's wife. Oh, wait!
Why don’t you send me a pic of what you are talking about, I’ll see if I can help!

I'm sure @Ranger Psych has some pictures to share...;-)
At least there haven’t been any sexual assault allegations from 30 years ago. Or are you all saving that to the day prior to the vote? 🤔
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