The 2018 Moderator Election Smack Talking Thread

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Howard Roark laughed.

He stood almost naked at the edge of the cliff, the sea churning far below in an orgiastic froth. Floating like driftwood on the bluegreen waves, the bodies of the family in the camper-trailer; and at his feet, wrapped like sins in a ragged beach towel, the diced remains of the last dead hooker he had stuffed into the cuisenart. Should I relieve myself of this heavy burden by casting myself into the sea? He thought. Or should I just kick the dead hooker off the cliff...

He brought his foot back like Pele and launched Esmeralda's bloody detritus into the sky, held both arms up in ecstasy and shouted to the wind and to the Gods: "IT'S GOOD!!!"
Mattis wants commanders to rely more on UCMJ for disciplinary problems

Just following what our Lord and savior wants us commanders to do.

In nearly 100% of circumstances, NCOs (and most officers, for that matter) don't have the authority to administer UCMJ in the manner that many people seem to think they do. Similarly, those of us who actually have a shot at getting elected mod know that except in very limited circumstances (e.g. spam cleaner on new joins) mods don't ban anyone. Admins do. We can recommend all day long, but we don't have that authority. Just like the NCO/commander relationship.

...and that's probably a good thing, otherwise some enterprising young mod would simply temp-ban all of his/her competition until after the election :)
So maybe it doesn't have anything to do with this fucking thread, but it's literature, man, and you have to interpret the symbolism.

The guy on the cliff represents the candidates, specifically @Ooh-Rah, who after dealing with little high school shits with disrespectful attitudes for the past year, is probably ready to fling himself into the Great Void.

The rolled up beach towel represents the weight of their arguments. The dead hooker is cross-threads points for me. And the soccer reference is about all you Grass Faeries who think you're good enuf to get my vote.
So maybe it doesn't have anything to do with this fucking thread, but it's literature, man, and you have to interpret the symbolism.

The guy on the cliff represents the candidates, specifically @Ooh-Rah, who after dealing with little high school shits with disrespectful attitudes for the past year, is probably ready to fling himself into the Great Void.

The rolled up beach towel represents the weight of their arguments. The dead hooker is cross-threads points for me. And the soccer reference is about all you Grass Faeries who think you're good enuf to get my vote.

I dunno, man...sometimes a white whale is just a white whale...maybe @Ooh-Rah has truly gone off the deep end, drooling and staring at picturesque scenes and pretty cartoons is all he can do, just like how Lyle Alzado went out....
In nearly 100% of circumstances, NCOs (and most officers, for that matter) don't have the authority to administer UCMJ in the manner that many people seem to think they do. Similarly, those of us who actually have a shot at getting elected mod know that except in very limited circumstances (e.g. spam cleaner on new joins) mods don't ban anyone. Admins do. We can recommend all day long, but we don't have that authority. Just like the NCO/commander relationship.

...and that's probably a good thing, otherwise some enterprising young mod would simply temp-ban all of his/her competition until after the election :)

Alright, I guess someone is gonna have to get this party started... I would campaign for myself, but I am ineligible due to the overlords fears of a 36 year old claim of being banned for drunkenly raping the interwebs. However much evidence to this supposed unfounded and possibly documented claim, I will never submit to an FBI investigation. Therefore, I shall campaign for the Canuck, as I have in prior years, because, well he is my kinda crazy, and bacon, lots of bacon.

Now although our brother from the frozen North may impose 400% tarrifs on all future donations to ShadowSpear. You can rest assured that he will immediately follow up with any peepee slaps with an unconditional "sorry". For all you retards, that means he might bust your balls, but he will do it nicely and than allow you to move on from it. Always nice to have when your voting in someone who will most likely fuck with you when you act like a moron in the future, eh?

This brings me to the Troll, he is ugly. This old cave dweller has taken it upon himself to become the gestapo of the gramer Nazis. His use of the English language is by far supiror to most knuckle dragging shadowspearanites, and that is to be respected. However this Heinrich Himmler of the English language, will use his evil powers to insult and degrade your lack of education, leaving you screaming "What do we want? Dead trolls! When do we want it? Now!" This also leads me to him being a knife snob, proclaiming that only his twisted way of maintaining an edge is the only way to keep a knife sharp. He will mock your use of a coffee cup for expedient slick'em up job for opening your new box of bullshit from dollar a day shaves (or whatever y'all use your overpriced pig stickers for). All of this while knowing damn well that the Buck 110 is a far supiror pointy thing and is exceptional for skinning cats. We won't even get into disturbing taste in music... This ain't no Colin Kaepernick commercial, just don't do it...

Bringing me to Mara, this chick, where do I start, holy shit balls. Unless you want to read countless works of fiction, that are never finished, have zero coherent direction or understanding and leave you hating field grade officers. Vote NO! His ramblings of "more gooder leadership, unintelligible theory of how he made ShadowSpear great again and his collusion of this, and past elections with the Amoral War Profiteer formally known as FreeFalling are always evident. Unless you want to read fake news of how only Intel nerds win wars, vote NO!

Bringing me to the moto fuck, who is constantly making barking noises in the background about how Semper Fi his moderatorship is. Now I love you Marines, but this fucking guy, holy make an intro post and submit for vetting, we will check your prostate without gloves, let me run you off before I welcome you to ShadowSpear. I dont think I've ever seen someone so enthralled with being the guy who gets to tell the other guy... I mean fuck my life, he literally tried to censor my first amendment right to call everyone fuck nuggets, this dude is the Mark Zuckerberg of ShadowSpear.

I guess I'll start on the non moderators now. The trans-cop/medic, or whatever the fuck he is swating today. This dude just knows too much stuff, always in the background with the right answer to everything. I mean we can all agree that Harmony Church was a shit place to go for "carry heavy shit" school. But for fuck sakes comparing where you went to basic training on here is like comparing kendergartens. Who fucking does that?

Then their is the little Ranger who could, what in the fuck is that peachfuzz on your face son. I mean I will campaign for you bro, but don't make it impossible for me. May be this ain't your year, we could always wait a few election for your nutts to drop. Tap dancing on your dick with golf shoes is not how you win elections...

That other Marine, to quote the notorious "who the fuck is that guy"?

To bring this to a close, all you retards need to step the shit talk up, or the evil overlords will fuck us by selecting sheep shagging members from odd places like New Zealand, which they probably will do anyway. The game has always been rigged...


***for those I missed, it's not that you are important or that I don't have anything bad to say about you. Y'all suck too!***

P.S. I love all you fucks and didn't mean any of that shit I just said about you.
Alright, I guess someone is gonna have to get this party started... I would campaign for myself, but I am ineligible due to the overlords fears of a 36 year old claim of being banned for drunkenly raping the interwebs. However much evidence to this supposed unfounded and possibly documented claim, I will never submit to an FBI investigation. Therefore, I shall campaign for the Canuck, as I have in prior years, because, well he is my kinda crazy, and bacon, lots of bacon.

Now although our brother from the frozen North may impose 400% tarrifs on all future donations to ShadowSpear. You can rest assured that he will immediately follow up with any peepee slaps with an unconditional "sorry". For all you retards, that means he might bust your balls, but he will do it nicely and than allow you to move on from it. Always nice to have when your voting in someone who will most likely fuck with you when you act like a moron in the future, eh?

This brings me to the Troll, he is ugly. This old cave dweller has taken it upon himself to become the gestapo of the gramer Nazis. His use of the English language is by far supiror to most knuckle dragging shadowspearanites, and that is to be respected. However this Heinrich Himmler of the English language, will use his evil powers to insult and degrade your lack of education, leaving you screaming "What do we want? Dead trolls! When do we want it? Now!" This also leads me to him being a knife snob, proclaiming that only his twisted way of maintaining an edge is the only way to keep a knife sharp. He will mock your use of a coffee cup for expedient slick'em up job for opening your new box of bullshit from dollar a day shaves (or whatever y'all use your overpriced pig stickers for). All of this while knowing damn well that the Buck 110 is a far supiror pointy thing and is exceptional for skinning cats. We won't even get into disturbing taste in music... This ain't no Colin Kaepernick commercial, just don't do it...

Bringing me to Mara, this chick, where do I start, holy shit balls. Unless you want to read countless works of fiction, that are never finished, have zero coherent direction or understanding and leave you hating field grade officers. Vote NO! His ramblings of "more gooder leadership, unintelligible theory of how he made ShadowSpear great again and his collusion of this, and past elections with the Amoral War Profiteer formally known as FreeFalling are always evident. Unless you want to read fake news of how only Intel nerds win wars, vote NO!

Bringing me to the moto fuck, who is constantly making barking noises in the background about how Semper Fi his moderatorship is. Now I love you Marines, but this fucking guy, holy make an intro post and submit for vetting, we will check your prostate without gloves, let me run you off before I welcome you to ShadowSpear. I dont think I've ever seen someone so enthralled with being the guy who gets to tell the other guy... I mean fuck my life, he literally tried to censor my first amendment right to call everyone fuck nuggets, this dude is the Mark Zuckerberg of ShadowSpear.

I guess I'll start on the non moderators now. The trans-cop/medic, or whatever the fuck he is swating today. This dude just knows too much stuff, always in the background with the right answer to everything. I mean we can all agree that Harmony Church was a shit place to go for "carry heavy shit" school. But for fuck sakes comparing where you went to basic training on here is like comparing kendergartens. Who fucking does that?

Then their is the little Ranger who could, what in the fuck is that peachfuzz on your face son. I mean I will campaign for you bro, but don't make it impossible for me. May be this ain't your year, we could always wait a few election for your nutts to drop. Tap dancing on your dick with golf shoes is not how you win elections...

That other Marine, to quote the notorious "who the fuck is that guy"?

To bring this to a close, all you retards need to step the shit talk up, or the evil overlords will fuck us by selecting sheep shagging members from odd places like New Zealand, which they probably will do anyway. The game has always been rigged...


***for those I missed, it's not that you are important or that I don't have anything bad to say about you. Y'all suck too!***

P.S. I love all you fucks and didn't mean any of that shit I just said about you.

Poetry. Like T.S. Elliott but with naughty words. Makes my privates tingle.
Alright, I guess someone is gonna have to get this party started... I would campaign for myself, but I am ineligible due to the overlords fears of a 36 year old claim of being banned for drunkenly raping the interwebs. However much evidence to this supposed unfounded and possibly documented claim, I will never submit to an FBI investigation. Therefore, I shall campaign for the Canuck, as I have in prior years, because, well he is my kinda crazy, and bacon, lots of bacon.

Now although our brother from the frozen North may impose 400% tarrifs on all future donations to ShadowSpear. You can rest assured that he will immediately follow up with any peepee slaps with an unconditional "sorry". For all you retards, that means he might bust your balls, but he will do it nicely and than allow you to move on from it. Always nice to have when your voting in someone who will most likely fuck with you when you act like a moron in the future, eh?

This brings me to the Troll, he is ugly. This old cave dweller has taken it upon himself to become the gestapo of the gramer Nazis. His use of the English language is by far supiror to most knuckle dragging shadowspearanites, and that is to be respected. However this Heinrich Himmler of the English language, will use his evil powers to insult and degrade your lack of education, leaving you screaming "What do we want? Dead trolls! When do we want it? Now!" This also leads me to him being a knife snob, proclaiming that only his twisted way of maintaining an edge is the only way to keep a knife sharp. He will mock your use of a coffee cup for expedient slick'em up job for opening your new box of bullshit from dollar a day shaves (or whatever y'all use your overpriced pig stickers for). All of this while knowing damn well that the Buck 110 is a far supiror pointy thing and is exceptional for skinning cats. We won't even get into disturbing taste in music... This ain't no Colin Kaepernick commercial, just don't do it...

Bringing me to Mara, this chick, where do I start, holy shit balls. Unless you want to read countless works of fiction, that are never finished, have zero coherent direction or understanding and leave you hating field grade officers. Vote NO! His ramblings of "more gooder leadership, unintelligible theory of how he made ShadowSpear great again and his collusion of this, and past elections with the Amoral War Profiteer formally known as FreeFalling are always evident. Unless you want to read fake news of how only Intel nerds win wars, vote NO!

Bringing me to the moto fuck, who is constantly making barking noises in the background about how Semper Fi his moderatorship is. Now I love you Marines, but this fucking guy, holy make an intro post and submit for vetting, we will check your prostate without gloves, let me run you off before I welcome you to ShadowSpear. I dont think I've ever seen someone so enthralled with being the guy who gets to tell the other guy... I mean fuck my life, he literally tried to censor my first amendment right to call everyone fuck nuggets, this dude is the Mark Zuckerberg of ShadowSpear.

I guess I'll start on the non moderators now. The trans-cop/medic, or whatever the fuck he is swating today. This dude just knows too much stuff, always in the background with the right answer to everything. I mean we can all agree that Harmony Church was a shit place to go for "carry heavy shit" school. But for fuck sakes comparing where you went to basic training on here is like comparing kendergartens. Who fucking does that?

Then their is the little Ranger who could, what in the fuck is that peachfuzz on your face son. I mean I will campaign for you bro, but don't make it impossible for me. May be this ain't your year, we could always wait a few election for your nutts to drop. Tap dancing on your dick with golf shoes is not how you win elections...

That other Marine, to quote the notorious "who the fuck is that guy"?

To bring this to a close, all you retards need to step the shit talk up, or the evil overlords will fuck us by selecting sheep shagging members from odd places like New Zealand, which they probably will do anyway. The game has always been rigged...


***for those I missed, it's not that you are important or that I don't have anything bad to say about you. Y'all suck too!***

P.S. I love all you fucks and didn't mean any of that shit I just said about you.

Paid for by all future tariffs.
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