The 2018 Moderator Election Smack Talking Thread

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All this great situational awareness around here. Now all we need is one person, like a Moderator, to ask for a picture of a Ranger's wife. Oh, wait!
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Speaking of situational awareness...if you are going to take the time to research the archives to go after someone, don't miss the fucking grail post, in my haste to save my life....

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“Whenever I feel bad about joining the Army, I remeber it could be worse- I could have joined the Marines”- DasBoot, drunk, circa 2017.

I make fun of Marines, I may think their haircuts are dumb as fuck, and that they need to cool it when they come down to Savannah to party.

Do you scoff at us because you could not be one of us?

Do we really want a mod who bases his biases on that which he cannot accomplish?

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Put your undies in the dryer rather than on the line this week Dasbot- I think a certain someone might steal them for "evidence."
Do you scoff at us because you could not be one of us?

Do we really want a mod who bases his biases on that which he cannot accomplish?

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Oh like every dude who joined the military did not want to be a Marine, a SEAL, a PJ, Ranger, EOD tech, fireman, porn start, and dolphin trainer all before they were 20.

Do we really need to delve into your old super conservative habits and study the evolution of @Ooh-Rah into one of the main bastions of liberalism this board has to offer?

Also, let’s be real- if I had joined the Marin Crops or anyone else when I got out of college, I would still be totally absent any Afghan dust on my boots...oh and the only guy I ever saw quit Ranger school outright was an 0311...
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