The 2018 Moderator Election Smack Talking Thread

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WTF kind of deliberate abortive assasination of lyrical poetry is this verbal diarrhea? Go beat your face into a treatise on iambic pentameter. Free verse screams, “Look at me with my espresso and skinny jeans that are giving me camel toe.”

You’d have done better with a haiku or couplet; you know @Marauder06 has a short attention span as proven by his famously extended case studies. I’m sure it’s only gotten worse given the laidback, surfer girl and palm tree laden AO he’s now in.

This is why Marines can’t have nice things.

I know right. That was just... weird. Or desperate. Or weird and desperate.

As far as case studies go, they're like this thread; when it starts to bore me I just

...stop responding ;)
Losing to you every year? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I beat your ass every year, harder than a resident of a CIA black site. You and that Kiwi sheep shagger had the best competition...for second place. You lost the elections, lost your place as the best clip art/ meme guy, and your case studies are worse than the Sopranos ending. You brag about making your NCO's do all of the work, maybe one of them wrote this post? That would explain the non-facts and delusion.

You're a shell of your former self. I'll change my avatar and offer prayers of support in your hour of need.

...Dammit he has one master's and is working on his second... isn't that scary enough? Remember, Beria started as a cop.... is that what you want another USSR (United Shadow Spear Republic) with a Quebecois Beria, and a Ranger Stalin (not DasBoot, but hisownself ShadowSpear)?

Only two masters degrees? Those are rookie numbers. He needs to pump those numbers up. #VoteTeamMara
Actually it’s a doctorate, but that’s one more syllable than you Yalies are used to hearing.

#wrongivy #votepolicemedic #teamdonutrocks

You know who else had a "doctorate" bro? Will.Freaking.Brink. Glad you're in such... erudite company. I'm also glad to know that I'm officially not the head nerd on ShadowSpear anymore.
WTF kind of deliberate abortive assasination of lyrical poetry is this verbal diarrhea? Go beat your face into a treatise on iambic pentameter. Free verse screams, “Look at me with my espresso and skinny jeans that are giving me camel toe.”

You’d have done better with a haiku or couplet; you know @Marauder06 has a short attention span as proven by his famously extended case studies. I’m sure it’s only gotten worse given the laidback, surfer girl and palm tree laden AO he’s now in.

This is why Marines can’t have nice things.

I think you need to go listen to Killshot. Even further proof that the fuzz are out of touch with reality.
You know who else had a "doctorate" bro? Will.Freaking.Brink. Glad you're in such... erudite company. I'm also glad to know that I'm officially not the head nerd on ShadowSpear anymore.

Will Brink raises his ghostly supplement-powered head and is injected like a past-shelf-life steroidal booster shot overdose into the campaign rhetoric...Well played, sir, well played. I think I just shit a red crayon.
Will Brink raises his ghostly supplement-powered head and is injected like a past-shelf-life steroidal booster shot overdose into the campaign rhetoric...Well played, sir, well played. I think I just shit a red crayon.

It was a fantastic play, along with Beer Party remembrance. I almost made a comment on the Trolls earlier post that at least the 82nd Vet running doesn't make drunken combat jump claims.
So far I have read lots of promises...
I have ZERO bacon
I have ZERO donuts
I have ZERO free beer
I would complain that I have not been issued my three bikini clad broads - but I'm happily married and wouldn't know what to do with them anyway.
I am very disappointed so far with the process so I will offer the following haiku

We all must vote soon
ShadowSpear election time
Moderators suck

Promises promises promises
we want action
So far I have read lots of promises...
I have ZERO bacon
I have ZERO donuts
I have ZERO free beer
I would complain that I have not been issued my three bikini clad broads - but I'm happily married and wouldn't know what to do with them anyway.
I am very disappointed so far with the process so I will offer the following haiku

We all must vote soon
ShadowSpear election time
Moderators suck

Promises promises promises
we want action

When you vote for me, you'll get your bacon; just go to your nearest public restroom. Look for the automatic bacon dispenser with these labels and follow instructions.


As a bonus, if said restroom is in a public library or school; look for the "gentleman" with the free puppet show. He gives out free sausage.

You know who else had a "doctorate" bro? Will.Freaking.Brink. Glad you're in such... erudite company. I'm also glad to know that I'm officially not the head nerd on ShadowSpear anymore.

Late light and lost... WB was referenced way earlier as well as dakradle… @ShadowSpear … queue "?music?" from dakradle for the uninitiated...

Are you forgetting things, ma'am? There is a really nice 'hot tub' at the top of a volcano near you, soak your feet and relax a bit...
If you're alluding to a former member, you just won the internet. All of it. We can go home now.
If that is the case, and he isn't eligible to be a mod, how about we elect him as an honorary mod? You know, a useless position with no power... kinda like the House Minority leader?
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