The 2018 Moderator Election Smack Talking Thread

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Given @NavyBuyer ‘s lurid, Clintonesque invitation to Ranger “I check my own oil” @DasBoot I’m totally unsurprised that imitation multicam butt pirate is already all up in you.
“Whenever I feel bad about joining the Army, I remeber it could be worse- I could have joined the Marines”- DasBoot, drunk, circa 2017.

I make fun of Marines, I may think their haircuts are dumb as fuck, and that they need to cool it when they come down to Savannah to party... but I respect them, as both the grandson of a terminal lance and someone who has feels sorrow for the lower enlisted if the Corps.

You need to realize this place has been run by support nerds for far too fucking long and @NavyBuyer and I are putting our shit aside to unite in a common bond of Grunt brotherhood to MAKE SHADOWSPEAR INFANTRY AGAIN!
One can easily track @x SF med and see that he's too old to run this joint anymore. Posts super early for Mountain West Time, stops posting super early for Mountain West Time, reminiscences continuously about old threads. You may have old man strength and a good taste in booze, but this board needs Mod's around more than your sleep schedule provides.
“Whenever I feel bad about joining the Army, I remeber it could be worse- I could have joined the Marines”- DasBoot, drunk, circa 2017.

I make fun of Marines, I may think their haircuts are dumb as fuck, and that they need to cool it when they come down to Savannah to party... but I respect them, as both the grandson of a terminal lance and someone who has feels sorrow for the lower enlisted if the Corps.

You need to realize this place has been run by support nerds for far too fucking long and @NavyBuyer and I are putting our shit aside to unite in a common bond of Grunt brotherhood to MAKE SHADOWSPEAR INFANTRY AGAIN!

Do they still let Sand Hill grads wear blue discs and the blue cord upon award of the 11S(and Hill) MOS?

#HarmonyChurch1988 #teamdonut #Hondolives
Also I find it funny that the you have used your powers as a mod to fuck with my avatar.... there will be an investigation of election interference once I am in power...

I am just happy to see that we have our first claims of election interference.

NOW we have an election campaign
Every vote for me—the only correct vote in a sea of otherwise uncertain, immoral, and intellectually deficient options—earns one of these.

#voteearly,voteoften #teamdonut

I don’t need your bowels in entirety- To quote my uncle Willy, “Gimme your holes, boy”...

Now that I’ve relived that trauma and shot my chances of keeping my security clearance.... I can say that DasBoot cares about you and your bowels more than any other candidate. Any man who has killed more people than I’ve slept with (ok not a great number but you get what I mean) is a man I want voting for me. I will be sure to protect Florida for you, to eliminate the hippies and I’ll somehow find a way to get Tony Dungy to be the Bucs coach again. And I will make Polk County the capital of SHADOWSPEAR because we like to party here. Thank you for you vote of confidence (also on a serious note if you are seeing purple bats you may need to seek medical attention).

The NUG Ranger is connecting with my voter-colon here...and he even half-assed apologized for makin fun of Marines 😱, so as unprecedented as this may be, I might be coughing up a big green loogy of support.

Rack, I voted for your bacon last year and you didn't win. Since I feel sorry for you and Canada and the fact that Beavers outnumber women north of the border, you may get my sympathy vote.

Maud, I respect you sir, voted for you last year, you outrank everybody here, I appreciate your various attempts to legitimatize Shadow Spear by actually posting meaningful things...but baksheesh talks to me. I like the plata not the plomo...just sayin.

Police Facebook bro...the thin blue line got a little thinner when you started the elderly abuse shit. It even made me sympathize with the Troll, who is probably young enough to be my illegitimate son and who was not actually present when Oog invented fire. He came later when Oog's great grandson figured out how to bbq mammoth meat.
Every vote for me—the only correct vote in a sea of otherwise uncertain, immoral, and intellectually deficient options—earns one of these.

#voteearly,voteoften #teamdonut

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To quote some mens room graffiti I once saw at a military facility which shall remain nameless: "Death to the infidels, donuts for everybody else."
....Grading on a curve, this thread's weak.

...says the guy whose smack talking game is so weak he got himself appointed "Admin 4 Lyfe" so that he and @pardus (remember that guy?) didn’t have to face the embarrassment of losing to me every year. /rolleyes

Bro, you’re the Abu Mazen of ShadowSpear, 13 years into a four year term. And like Abu Mazen, the only reason anyone keeps you around is so the Marines terrorists don't take over everything.

"My name is Abu AWP, and I approve this message."

...says the guy whose smack talking game is so weak he got himself appointed "Admin 4 Lyfe" so that he and @pardus (remember that guy?) didn’t have to face the embarrassment of losing to me every year. /rolleyes

Bro, you’re the Abu Mazen of ShadowSpear, 13 years into a four year term. And like Abu Mazen, the only reason anyone keeps you around is so the Marines terrorists don't take over everything.

"My name is Abu AWP, and I approve this message."

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I thought it was because he changed the passwords of anyone who could boot him and refuses to give them back. Something about "Protecting against a server purge" (you ain't OG if you don't remember that)...
Dasboot please quit changing your Avatar. It shows that you can be gentle and caring even though your post in this thread scream “I have a small penis and suffer from short man syndrome”
Can't use contractions, AND has no leadership skills.... Is this really what you want in dictator's cabal of flunkies? I think not. There is an underground movement to over throw the Dick-Tater under the bus and wrest control of this site, for the worserment of society, and just to gain Power for Power's sake... Stick with me, and I'll promise nothing but anarchy and mayhem!

I don't think I can trust a man who adds too many dots to an ellipsis.
...says the guy whose smack talking game is so weak he got himself appointed "Admin 4 Lyfe" so that he and @pardus (remember that guy?) didn’t have to face the embarrassment of losing to me every year. /rolleyes

Losing to you every year? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I beat your ass every year, harder than a resident of a CIA black site. You and that Kiwi sheep shagger had the best competition...for second place. You lost the elections, lost your place as the best clip art/ meme guy, and your case studies are worse than the Sopranos ending. You brag about making your NCO's do all of the work, maybe one of them wrote this post? That would explain the non-facts and delusion.

You're a shell of your former self. I'll change my avatar and offer prayers of support in your hour of need.

Nice one brother, but take a seat and buckle up because I'm going to fast forward about four decades into the here and now.

Look, if you aim at the king, you better not miss.

Otherwise, you get treated like Eminem and get owned with a diss.

This is for all of my competitors:

ModDevil: (AKA “normal guy”)

If you're sick of them short tabs and them green hats, let's talk about it
If you're sick of them drag queens* and them marines** let's talk about it
What's up with that hair spray*** and that ballet,**** we can talk about it
Or you can get mad, I'll size up your body
And call a black Chinook around it

*obviously I'm talking about the Navy here
** yes, a little "m"
***what's up, Air Force?
****I don't think we have any Coasties here, but in case we do...

@Marauder06 just hit me up on a text
Proud of all the Flair on his Alphas
Wait, you just dissed me?
Sings MGK while he really meant to sing this one
Damn I'm really sorry you want me to have a beret
Was waiting for you to hit back
Realized you don't have the means to do that
Here's that autograph for your daughter, I wrote it on my EGA
Mara, Mara, son
Listen man, Polar's not even mad
But how you gonna name yourself after plundering
And sit behind a desk
This Marine's woke, eyes open, undeniable
Supplying babes, got the boys ready
Say you want to mod, but you misled
Yet you did not capitalize the M in Marine
Your reply got the crowd to hit like
So before you quit let's see who can out smack who
With corny lines
@Marauder06 just hit me up on a text
Proud of all the Flair on his Alphas
Wait, you just dissed me?
Sings MGK while he really meant to sing this one
Damn I'm really sorry you want me to have a beret
Was waiting for you to hit back
Realized you don't have the means to do that
Here's that autograph for your daughter, I wrote it on my EGA
Mara, Mara, son
Listen man, Polar's not even mad
But how you gonna name yourself after plundering
And sit behind a desk
This Marine's woke, eyes open, undeniable
Supplying babes, got the boys ready
Say you want to mod, but you misled
Yet you did not capitalize the M in Marine
Your reply got the crowd to hit like
So before you quit let's see who can out smack who
With corny lines

WTF kind of deliberate abortive assasination of lyrical poetry is this verbal diarrhea? Go beat your face into a treatise on iambic pentameter. Free verse screams, “Look at me with my espresso and skinny jeans that are giving me camel toe.”

You’d have done better with a haiku or couplet; you know @Marauder06 has a short attention span as proven by his famously extended case studies. I’m sure it’s only gotten worse given the laidback, surfer girl and palm tree laden AO he’s now in.

This is why Marines can’t have nice things.
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