The 2018 Moderator Election Smack Talking Thread

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So, is that kind of like saying you're playing with yourself?
You make it sound like I’m ashamed of this- I’ll have you know I’m usually touching myself while posting. Thank God for iPhones- posting with one hand and checking my own oil with the other. DASBOOT2K18 MAKE SHADOWSPEAR WEIRD AGAIN
You make it sound like I’m ashamed of this- I’ll have you know I’m usually touching myself while posting. Thank God for iPhones- posting with one hand and checking my own oil with the other. DASBOOT2K18 MAKE SHADOWSPEAR WEIRD AGAIN

Pretty clear that only two candidates have shown the testicular fortitude on here. @DasBoot and myself. My fellow degenerates, this coming election, vote for us not because it is easy, but because it is hard. Just like our dicks for you all.

Yes, I may have been in a parade wearing only whitey tighties as evidenced earlier, but I did so to let you know the extremes I am willing to go to show support for our sailors, who are in the midst of a crisis identity. The Corps knows who we are. We proudly carry on traditions such as hogging and drinking from the grog. Some of us even go on to marry the girl we just paid $20 to for a dance at Driftwood, but we love them and would still do anything for them because they are our brother/sister (we all bleed green).
none of which prepared you to talk shit with the pros, as your prior post demonstrates.

"If you have to talk complete shit, you're better served not talking at all. "... I actually learned that from a guy named Gary, who started in Regiment, got better and went SF, then had a relapse and ended up over the fence.

Just sayin, y'know.

19th C. Lesbian Dance Theory... that's cute.... now get off my yard before the next rock I throw puts out an eye...

@Poccington … dude, you're not deserting the Beer Party, are you?

If any of you do not understand the Beer Party, get your search on and look for it in threads back to the beginning of ShadowSpear… I am still running on that platform. Others may try to sway you with stolen internet pics of chicks you'll never hope to meet in real life, but I stand by my lies of buying beer for all members who vote for me. (Ask @Ranger Psych and others how well I stand by that promise if you show up at my doorstep, or I show up on yours, or we meet in an establishment where beer and food are served...)

Again, I stand by my almost empty promises for fairness, compassion, understanding and tolerance of Marines and Rangers... because you all suck and I don't. See above for my campaign song, it was originally recorded by the Tempatations, but that version is love and Rockets... and my secondary song is only great in it's original form... and live by Little Feat...

JOKES ON YOU IM STILL NOT A TEAM LEADER HAHAHAHHAA (crawls to corner..cries... masturbates...cries some more...)

Can't use contractions, AND has no leadership skills.... Is this really what you want in dictator's cabal of flunkies? I think not. There is an underground movement to over throw the Dick-Tater under the bus and wrest control of this site, for the worserment of society, and just to gain Power for Power's sake... Stick with me, and I'll promise nothing but anarchy and mayhem!
did you say something? I thought I heard a buzzing in my hearing aid... oh wait... you're a dick...:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

What you heard was the irresistible siren song of the indescribable awesomeness of my candidacy. Screw that grammophone looking doodad a bit tighter into your ear so that you too may join the rest of the congregation in the realization that a world where I am anointed, moderator would allow for the mandatory inclusion of orgasmic ecstasy in every post (or the nogoodnik poster is off to the gulag).
Pretty clear that only two candidates have shown the testicular fortitude on here. @DasBoot and myself. My fellow degenerates, this coming election, vote for us not because it is easy, but because it is hard. Just like our dicks for you all.

Yes, I may have been in a parade wearing only whitey tighties as evidenced earlier, but I did so to let you know the extremes I am willing to go to show support for our sailors, who are in the midst of a crisis identity. The Corps knows who we are. We proudly carry on traditions such as hogging and drinking from the grog. Some of us even go on to marry the girl we just paid $20 to for a dance at Driftwood, but we love them and would still do anything for them because they are our brother/sister (we all bleed green).

Clearly you and the grammar & syntax challenged ersatz airfield lawn dart of a self-pleasuring Ranger need to get a room.

This unholy inter-service coupling cannot stand. Desperation is a stinky cologne, and this pronoun challenged proposal of multicam/tighty whitey fornication is clearly evidence that you lack the instestinal fortitude to lead here. It may, however, be a hint that the terminal reaches of your GI tract are sufficiently practiced at distracting camo clad men...
What you heard was the irresistible siren song of the indescribable awesomeness of my candidacy. ….

Nope, it was feedback and over-squelch... kinda normal for you, though. Nice try, thanks for playing, we have some really horrendous parting gifts for you... like signed copies of dakradle's first single and WBs first book and the Shadowspear Constitution....

Everyone else... do you want an ex-pat Quebequois, 82nd vet, current medic and SWAT Cop who uses black helicopters and SUV's to patrol a major University and portions of a large Eastern city to have anything to do with running this place? Dammit he has one master's and is working on his second... isn't that scary enough? Remember, Beria started as a cop.... is that what you want another USSR (United Shadow Spear Republic) with a Quebecois Beria, and a Ranger Stalin (not DasBoot, but hisownself ShadowSpear)?

@Muppet... distract him with tasties from Dunkin Donuts, and shiny things from the Dollar Store... he'll forget all about politics .
Pretty clear that only two candidates have shown the testicular fortitude on here. @DasBoot and myself. My fellow degenerates, this coming election, vote for us not because it is easy, but because it is hard. Just like our dicks for you all.

Yes, I may have been in a parade wearing only whitey tighties as evidenced earlier, but I did so to let you know the extremes I am willing to go to show support for our sailors, who are in the midst of a crisis identity. The Corps knows who we are. We proudly carry on traditions such as hogging and drinking from the grog. Some of us even go on to marry the girl we just paid $20 to for a dance at Driftwood, but we love them and would still do anything for them because they are our brother/sister (we all bleed green).

Weak... no other comment... it's embarrassingly weak, and smacks of barracks room love... you two need to get a room, preferably some where else like... sofrep… oh wait, they folded... you can still go there... :-oO_o:sneaky:
"If you have to talk complete shit, you're better served not talking at all. "... I actually learned that from a guy named Gary, who started in Regiment, got better and went SF, then had a relapse and ended up over the fence.

Just sayin, y'know.

19th C. Lesbian Dance Theory... that's cute.... now get off my yard before the next rock I throw puts out an eye...

@Poccington … dude, you're not deserting the Beer Party, are you?

If any of you do not understand the Beer Party, get your search on and look for it in threads back to the beginning of ShadowSpear… I am still running on that platform. Others may try to sway you with stolen internet pics of chicks you'll never hope to meet in real life, but I stand by my lies of buying beer for all members who vote for me. (Ask @Ranger Psych and others how well I stand by that promise if you show up at my doorstep, or I show up on yours, or we meet in an establishment where beer and food are served...)

Again, I stand by my almost empty promises for fairness, compassion, understanding and tolerance of Marines and Rangers... because you all suck and I don't. See above for my campaign song, it was originally recorded by the Tempatations, but that version is love and Rockets... and my secondary song is only great in it's original form... and live by Little Feat...

More big words you old Nerd- listen doc I’m gonna need you you just go get me an IV ready for the victory hangover I’m about to have. Also I find it funny that the you have used your powers as a mod to fuck with my avatar.... there will be an investigation of election interference once I am in power... LOCK HIM UP 2018! ALL HAIL DASBOOT!
After speaking with my tech and electioneering advisor I have been informed that the algorithm has been tweaked and is ready to go. All your facebooks, Twitters, twats and Tinders are now belong to #teamdonut.

The Beer Party is a real thing. While I am not a benefactor of said party, it is real. Just like the breakfast your mom cooks for me.

Doing better, guys and gals. C+ at this point. @DasBoot could make this a B+ or an A- but then we have "the others" who clearly don't understand how this works. Grading on a curve, this thread's weak.
Pfffft. Don’t you have technocommogeekprofiteer shit to do, like tracing wires through the sand to make sure a graboid hasn’t snagged them or annoying the wing commander by asking what Matthew Lillard was like before his breakout role as Shaggy?

Don’t worry, we’ll wake you up out of your Mountain Dew Code Red and hot pocket fueled three day coding stupor when it’s time to sing the Monday Song.
After ingesting a 4-way hit of Orange Sunshine for breakfast, I examined my poop this morning...under the strict supervision of armed security guards and giant purple determine the results of my crayon-vote procedure. Although the full anal-ysis has not been processed, there were chemical traces of green and gray dye, paraffin wax and microscopic remnants of goat testicle.

Preliminary results indicate that @DasBoot and @x SF med have established infinitesimal quantities of positive bacterium in my colon. @policemedic , @NavyBuyer , @RackMaster and other candidates need to ramp up their smack if they are to find a happy home in my always percolating and productive bowels.
After ingesting a 4-way hit of Orange Sunshine for breakfast, I examined my poop this morning...under the strict supervision of armed security guards and giant purple determine the results of my crayon-vote procedure. Although the full anal-ysis has not been processed, there were chemical traces of green and gray dye, paraffin wax and microscopic remnants of goat testicle.

Preliminary results indicate that @DasBoot and @x SF med have established infinitesimal quantities of positive bacterium in my colon. @policemedic , @NavyBuyer , @RackMaster and other candidates need to ramp up their smack if they are to find a happy home in my bowels.

Given @NavyBuyer ‘s lurid, Clintonesque invitation to Ranger “I check my own oil” @DasBoot I’m totally unsurprised that imitation multicam butt pirate is already all up in you.
After ingesting a 4-way hit of Orange Sunshine for breakfast, I examined my poop this morning...under the strict supervision of armed security guards and giant purple determine the results of my crayon-vote procedure. Although the full anal-ysis has not been processed, there were chemical traces of green and gray dye, paraffin wax and microscopic remnants of goat testicle.

Preliminary results indicate that @DasBoot and @x SF med have established infinitesimal quantities of positive bacterium in my colon. @policemedic , @NavyBuyer , @RackMaster and other candidates need to ramp up their smack if they are to find a happy home in my always percolating and productive bowels.
I don’t need your bowels in entirety- To quote my uncle Willy, “Gimme your holes, boy”...

Now that I’ve relived that trauma and shot my chances of keeping my security clearance.... I can say that DasBoot cares about you and your bowels more than any other candidate. Any man who has killed more people than I’ve slept with (ok not a great number but you get what I mean) is a man I want voting for me. I will be sure to protect Florida for you, to eliminate the hippies and I’ll somehow find a way to get Tony Dungy to be the Bucs coach again. And I will make Polk County the capital of SHADOWSPEAR because we like to party here. Thank you for you vote of confidence (also on a serious note if you are seeing purple bats you may need to seek medical attention).
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