The Israeli entomologist's song

Frank S.

L'homme qui rit
Sep 28, 2006
The Mountains of Madness
There I sit, looking up at Mount Diablo at dusk, thinking about bats and moths this Monday. They're up there, all chasin' and survivin'...

"Larvaaa, Naguila larvaaa
Naguila Larvaaa
Naguila Lepidopteraaa..."

When the moth senses the sonar waves from a bat, it drops to the ground. I didn't know it could, the first time I saw that happen. As it turns out, the moth, at least the Hawkmoth, has a defense mechanism, a counter measure: it rubs its genitals against its abdomen to create sound waves that confuse bats. How awesome is that, I thought?
We got Twitter feeds, 24 hours news, Google, and we can't trust anything we read or hear anymore. We be dead in the water, but that fucking moth is getting smart.

Maybe it's time the ants tried. Call it Phase IV.
For this post, I have decided to follow you...

How do you know @Frank S. is not following you, and has been since you signed up? Huh? One should never underestimate Frank, never ever... The main reasons... he gives aid to radiation victims, sends them to the Euthanists, and lies to priests while he does it, while sitting in the desert illuminating electronic schematics on bleached sheepskin waiting for the apocalypse. Bagels, 2 cans kraut, bring home for Emma. IEL
How do you know @Frank S. is not following you, and has been since you signed up? Huh? One should never underestimate Frank, never ever... The main reasons... he gives aid to radiation victims, sends them to the Euthanists, and lies to priests while he does it, while sitting in the desert illuminating electronic schematics on bleached sheepskin waiting for the apocalypse. Bagels, 2 cans kraut, bring home for Emma. IEL

For this post, I have decided to un-follow you...
For this post, I have decided to un-follow you...

Only because you do not understand the post... ask Frank what it means, he knows... as do the radiation demons, and the abominable Fallouts...

edited for spelling - well stupid fingers, right letters wrong order.
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I have the luck of living close to a wildlife rehabilitation center in Pleasant Hill, where they have birds living out their life after an injury rendered them unable to return to the wild. The Great Horned Owl is a pretty common bird throughout the country, and those of us getting older may gain a greater appreciation of that particular beastie.
I held the skull of one on display, and the puzzling thing is the asymetrical location of the ears: the right is higher than the left and both are surrounded by the facial dish feathers, which directs sound to ear. So get this: one ear picks up a sound a fraction sooner than the other. I thought, wow does sound travel through its brain like electricity between an AED's pads? The owl swivels its head on its 14 neck vertebrae (we have 7) to synch the sound between both ears, and as a result places both eyes (which are too big to move inside the skull) directly on the source of the sound.
Wonder if that might have been Bin Laden's last thought as he got his third eye. That or maybe a tranquil canoeing trip.
Everything about this owl suggests to me it does its hunting close to its nest. It's not that fast for a raptor, about 40 mph, but can maneuver tightly around trees, and silently because of the shape of its primary wing feathers. They break up the air in smaller sounds than most other birds' natural turbulence. They can hear you but you can't hear them.
And when it pounces on prey, its talons kill it by either puncture or snapping the spine, or both. Get this: 200 to 500 pounds per square inch in those talons.
The old geezer at the local drinking hole, with a vet's cap on, nursing his beer quietly, if you shake his hand, his grip oughta tell you something too.
Stealthy motherfuckers abound. Great Horned Owls don't quit either...’re eerie. I came up with these moth-men when I started my project, but they’re not so smart and definitely no genital rubbing. eeeww... I need to rethink some stuff now. The things you learn on Twitter feeds, 24 hour news, Google and ShadowSpear...
Imagine moth-men's external fertilization as a mode of reproduction. No rubbing. Like fish, or the misunderstood Multiple Miggs.
I did include them for reproductive-related reasons, but it's more the: 'Get away from me you creepy insect monster!' Kill! Kill! Kill! Didn't event consider the mechanism. What I really meant was that indirectly, through your post, I realized I made them dumber than might be fair. Anyway brain has been corrupted, back to hiding and thinking on moths.

Seinaru sore Mothra no fakku!

I did include them for reproductive-related reasons, but it's more the: 'Get away from me you creepy insect monster!' Kill! Kill! Kill! Didn't event consider the mechanism. What I really meant was that indirectly, through your post, I realized I made them dumber than might be fair. Anyway brain has been corrupted, back to hiding and thinking on moths.


Seinaru sore Mothra no fakku!
How is that for awesome?
Not Mothra, @CQB! Mothra is female to begin with - I just learnt that, I'd always thought she was a HE. Okay, I feel slightly guilty I didn't even think about her. She is much more awesome than my ugly, stumpy, hairy, insect men with moth wings and feeble arms. Sadly, not all moth monsters can be so grand...
Sadly, not all moth monsters can be so grand...

Perhaps not individually, but imagine hordes of hermaphrodite humanoid moths so confused as to which restroom to use, they crap all over North Carolina and Virginia, creating a Hepatitis epidemic and closing in on Washington DC. The President heroically lures them away from urban areas, a pied-piper of sorts as they are oddly attracted to his hair, and calls a nuclear strike on his position. Because he saw some dude do that in a movie.
He somehow survives, with superpowers of inexplicable financial regeneration and his fingers morphed into 3.5 inches of pussy grabbing tentacles, trying to somehow live his life according to the Talmud.