Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Black Hearts: One Platoon's Descent into Madness in Iraq's Triangle of Death: Frederick, Jim, Snow, Corey M.: 9781452662404: Books

If you read, its a verygood book to read on the subject and how leadership (or lack there of) directly plays into these types of situations.
I got to 2BCT 6 months after Green (the main guy) was sentenced for his crimes, and it was also 6 months before we deployed to Afghanistan.

I remember this story being brought up repeatedly as an example of why they (command elements) didn't want us to dehumanize the Afghans.
It's a book I always reccomend guys/gals read before deploying.
The sky is the limit once you dehumanize a person or group of people.

Its the unhinged sadism, that's so unsettling. Despite crim. pychol. seminars and explanations, it will always remain very disturbing to what lenghts some will go when completely desensitized towards extreme violence like that. Really against people in general. Those guys don't seem to make any distinction. They are visibly enjoying themselves, torturing, executing and then burning a person they don't know, 2 minutes into a foreign country, they pledged to support. Wagnerties evidently take no issue in "judging" friend, innocent and foe alike. I suspect there is some serious criminal background and history involved.

Black Hearts: One Platoon's Descent into Madness in Iraq's Triangle of Death: Frederick, Jim, Snow, Corey M.: 9781452662404: Books

If you read, its a verygood book to read on the subject and how leadership (or lack there of) directly plays into these types of situations.

Thanks for the recommendation @Diamondback 2/2 ! This is why I appreciate the forum.
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