Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Jack Murphy giving out dating advice to people on the internet and wanting to talk about Ukraine on a second date is kinda wild.

I don't doubt that you're serious or misrepresenting anything, but this reads like a Mad Lib. I don't doubt that you're right shouldn't be right, you know?
I don't doubt that you're serious or misrepresenting anything, but this reads like a Mad Lib. I don't doubt that you're right shouldn't be right, you know?
Oh it's for real. The amount of people on twitter that say they want to talk about the Hague rulings in their daily life with their partner is pretty ridiculous. Remember folks, Social Media is not real life.

My hyper educated partner watches Love Island and reads romance novels when she gets home...discussing battle tactics is not how you get laid ladies and germs.
NATO doesn't need the Ukraine, so we need to step away from that BS. Maintain the status quo and provide arms to the Ukraine. "But what if Russia uses nukes?" Using WMD is a red line nations can't cross without a retalia...oh, yeah, Syria, but other than that using WMD will have consequences.
Lots of drama today with Prigozhin and RU MOD...

Prigozhin reportedly "declared war" on the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Not sure what exactly that means but there are rumors stating something to the effect that the MOD was planning to order RU forces to execute any Wagner forces that don't sign with the MOD beginning 7/1. Sounds like Prigozhin takes exception to that.

There was also this reported strike on Wagner by RU forces:

Pretty sure none of this helps defend against Ukrainian counteroffensive.
Where is Russia headed? Military Coup by MoD, Military Coup by Prigozhi? Civil War?
Putin's SMO was going to destroy a country, and weaken NATO.
He strengthened NATO, but is going to destroy a country, just not the Ukraine.

What does China do in the next 12 months? or North Korea?
Some supposed video of Wagner shooting down a copter not sure if true
Guys - an appeal…

Please make some attempt at fact checking before posting random videos; I’ve already deleted 1 that was from about 3 years old.
There’s another one I just saw that claimed to be Wagner forces surrounding the headquarters of the Russian Southern Military district, but literally every single comment said that it was Russian troops.
^ Yep. There's A LOT of rumors flying right now; not unlike the early days of the Ukraine invasion. But where there's smoke, there's probably fire... something is happening, what exactly, remains to be seen.