Ukraine - Russia Conflict

OK, I will break it down Barney style. You want to think in binary terms? That's OK. But you will always be wrong. I have not been around S2 types (civ or mil) in, well, a long time, but 'back in the day' they looked at WSJ, NYT, Pravda, CNN, Fox, now Twitter, Insta, and every other source they could get. Then they start looking for trends and patterns. Then they start digging. If YOU want to discount Twitter (or any other source) as lying twaddle, well, OK then. Remember, even The National Enquirer and Drudge Report broke real, hard stories. But if you are comfy wearing the tinfoil crown and going all dark web to find your truth, then to quote you, "have at it." But maybe I have it all wrong. You told me you smart enough, so I guess I will go back to being a knuckle-dragging troglodyte.

There is an art to open-source mining and if you know how to go about it the right way you'll find some gold.
What I'm wondering is maybe whatever his end goal is, and I won't pretend to know what it is, if he just thinks it's worth all of this. And how much is China in bed with him on this? If those two worked in close concert it would definitely make life hard for the US. But maybe China is looking at the world's reaction right now and are like, "You now, maybe we hold off for a little while on our little Pacific land grab."
China is shrewd and always looking out for itself. It's interesting to keep an eye on their reactions. So far their responses have been very measured. Thought this article was an interesting read:
China Declared Its Russia Friendship Had ‘No Limits.’ It’s Having Second Thoughts.
Generally in war today, the speed of information as such with Social Networks as they are and tied to your phone. If you want to be tuned into what's going on, unless we're actually the ones fighting. The best information will be from independent analysts.

GBR and FRA MoDs are issuing threat assessments and maps in daily briefings and are thinking left of bang with information flow. Something the Pentagon is not, if anything they're still doing shit that was normal in the 1960s and only telling/leaking information to "trusted" sources. You can find the daily maps from GBR and FRA MoDs on the internet freely.

Twitter Threads, independent blogs, and freaking TikTok through independent analysts has the best information right now, sure some of it is wrong. But that's why you need to read multiple sources and beer math your own numbers. What I can definitely tell you is based on the amount of information out there, UKRA figures are likely a "best case" scenario, but the Russian equipment and personnel losses that they've released seems to be accurate based on the independent sources I've looked at. +- 20%.

Russian MoD Numbers and Maps? Not remotely accurate. The Russian version of the FCC is de-platforming any outlet that calls this thing a "war", let alone reports higher casualty figures. It's a "Special Operation" and it's going according to plan, according to all the Russian sources. Yet the amount of dead that UKRA is attempting to repatriate far exceeds the Russian numbers. Is Russia trying to repatriate Ukrainian dead? No, they're looking to level cities that are 500 years old.
Internal Transport within Russia will take a hit with these sanctions.

First Aeroflot was pulled from the SABRE GDS: Russia's largest airline yanked from global reservation systems

Then yesterday Aeroflot ended all international flights (not that they could go anywhere with the skies closed): Aeroflot says it will suspend international flights.

Well, so more than 50% of the Russian Airline fleet is leased from European companies, most of them HQd in Ireland? Ireland is a tax-haven btw. Well the EU says lessors have to retake possession of their aircraft by 28 MAR: European lessors have until March 28 to end all rental contracts in Russia, about 500 aircraft have to be returned - AIRLIVE
Eagle is a multi-time offender going back to my days on staff. He always returns with a mea culpa ( this time wasn’t necessary of course) and always catches the Hammer. I’m only sorry I wasn’t the one to do it again.
In my opinion Putin’s decision to invade was the smart move as the West seemed very divided and full of political turmoil plus the pandemic. Also Europe was suckling on the Russian oil tit. It was the best time to make a move to prevent Ukraine from getting more closer to the west and joining NATO. He however vastly underestimated the Ukrainians and overestimated his own forces