I've already got a number of "what are the penalties if I go AWOL to fight in Ukraine" questions by now. I imagine there will be a line out the door of my office tomorrow.
Nothing too crazy. Ukrainian and Russian delegates are meeting near the Belarus border for talks.Seems like everyone but me already has their accounts set up on thatAnything else crazy that you're seeing?
Deterrence forces meaning nukes?
I read a headline yesterday that the 74th Motorcycle Brigade had been captured.
But how to get all the goods there? Russian warplanes are engaged in CAPs; NATO cannot provide air cover for military/charter flights without getting involved in the fight. The Black Sea fleet can control ports and interdict attempts by water. So what’s left? Covert ground transport through Poland? Slow, dangerous and limited.
Honestly, all this good shit might end up stagnating in Polish staging areas while Russia conquers and consolidates. The Ukrainians will have to hold on, protect supply routes and reception areas, keep up an effective logistics system for distribution amid Russian attacks and cyberwarfare.
I don’t know, man. Ukrainian defiance is inspiring. And the pledges of support are great. But the road is paved with good intentions.
Also a reason all the Russian forces are getting lost is that local jurisdictions have been taking down all street signs and highway signs… Strong Work!This one off Twitter is good. Can't fight a war on fumes. lol
It’s like the Russians and Germans in Stalingrad…. But with the roles reversed..If these reports of Conscripts being forced to sign contracts is anywhere close to true, I imagine morale is currently through the toilet and into the sewer system.
It really seems like Putin vastly underestimated Ukrainian troops resolve and current level of training and figured he could just send in a meat wave of young soldiers to take Kyiv. It's a brutal strategy, and I feel bad for the lower enlisted/younger Russian troops if that is the case. They're truly pawns in this fight.
Fear mongering. US and Russian land based systems went off alert in 1992.According to my First Alert, Belarusian Special Forces are staging for an air assault on Kyiv, and Putin has ordered for Russian deterrence forces to transfer to a combat mode.
Anyone with a DD-214
I read a short piece earlier that Turkey was considering excercising their treaty right to restrict access to the Black Sea. Have not seen corroboration. If true, this is serious risk of an Article 5 issue if Russia decides it doesn’t want to be restricted.