Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Yesterday I got a message from an officer who used to work from me when she was a captain. She was on a plane to Europe to support... whatever it is we're doing there right now. It was an interesting feeling being the one back in the rear when other people are heading out. I felt anxious and uncertain in ways I never did when I was the one doing the deploying.

I didn't even bring it up but my wife told me she knows I would go, if it wasn't for kid's. She's seen in a few times in me with recent events. It's hard to fight that urge.
Re nuke launch: never. This is textbook Cold War, page 146 paragraph 2, Brinksmanship 101. Having a bad day? Threaten nukes.

All of that training to fight the Krasnovians finally pays off for me. ;)

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Wouldn’t be surprised to see some upgraded T-55s or 62s chugging around Ukraine.
I didn't even bring it up but my wife told me she knows I would go, if it wasn't for kid's. She's seen in a few times in me with recent events. It's hard to fight that urge.
The other interesting feeling I had yesterday was the realization that I don't feel the slightest urge to go fight in Europe. I don't know any Ukrainians, I have no direct financial interests in Ukraine, the closest I've ever been to Ukraine is the Republic of Georgia. That's a change from how I felt about Afghanistan, Iraq, and even Kosovo (ended up not going to the latter).

While I feel enormous empathy for what the people of Ukraine are going through, after many years of fighting "wars of national liberation" for other people, and seeing how it all ended (esp. Afghanistan), I'm personally in no hurry to sign up for more.

I care about what's happening in Ukraine, but mainly because with our globalized economy and world system, what happens there could eventually have a very major impact on my family and my country.
I didn't even bring it up but my wife told me she knows I would go, if it wasn't for kid's. She's seen in a few times in me with recent events. It's hard to fight that urge.

I came this close to taking an NCO contract with the RLI in 1976 because I was still jonesing hard for the adrenalin fix; and was helping a former FBI guy with recruitment…out of the back room of a gun store in J’ville. But the pay was low and the political situation was vastly in favor of the black nationalists and it was beginning to look like another Lost Cause…


It never goes away. I had to sit on my hands during the Falklands War when I was in the ANG; through Grenada, Just Cause, Desert Storm (when I was at CENTCOM news conferences every week), and throughout OEF/OIF (again going through the gates at MacDill AFB every other day), being so close to the military and yet not in it anymore but wanting to be.

It’s tough to sit on the bench, guys & girls. No matter how old you get. 😉
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Been asked a few times today if I was subject to Retiree Recall. I aged out of that a couple of years ago. Not really sure how I feel about it. Then I was Intell... I can still run to the coffee pot. I can still lift a full 30oz cup of coffee. So I should be good to go.

I am really surprised people think this was serious. No way in hell would I go back as MSG. Contractor... maybe... Like many others I am a Retired War Horse merely pawing the ground in the pasture.

I've been posting a LOT about this on FaceBook for like two weeks now. DM me and I send you to the the location.
Been asked a few times today if I was subject to Retiree Recall. I aged out of that a couple of years ago. Not really sure how I feel about it. Then I was Intell... I can still run to the coffee pot. I can still lift a full 30oz cup of coffee. So I should be good to go.

I am really surprised people think this was serious. No way in hell would I go back as MSG. Contractor... maybe... Like many others I am a Retired War Horse merely pawing the ground in the pasture.

I've been posting a LOT about this on FaceBook for like two weeks now. DM me and I send you to the the location.
I have no interest in being recalled if it's to go man a range...which has been a few of the mobilization emails I've gotten over the past 6 months. But nothing that isn't standard Reserve Officer Recruiting guys off the IRR, even last week. We'll see what this week brings.
That chick is wild. The worst thing about that platform is there are tons of people that need to sit this one out...and never do.
There certainly have been a lot of bad takes on the Ukraine situation, including recent statements from President Trump :( But I read a HuffPo piece earlier today with a headline that appeared to indicate that a "small" nuclear war would be a good way to curb global warming climate change. The article was a little more nuanced than that--but not much. I think that takes the cake for "worst hot take" over the last couple of days.
Honestly, I wouldn't even consider going with the wife and kid's around. I waited until I was leaving the Army before I got serious with anyone for a reason.

Thankfully my injuries excluded me from the Supplemental Reserve List, so I shouldn't get a call; when Trudeau drags us into this further.
Canada is already fucked. I know of a few people that are finally accepting injuries and having them documented. The amount of early retirements or straight up releases in the past few year's, has crippled us. The losses in leadership with combat experience, is staggering.
My company wanted to send me to K2 in Uzbekistan in early 2002 on a military flight “for an undetermined duration.” And though it was a semi-safe civilian gig and would’ve been kind of cool, my boys were 6, 9, and 12 and my wife was working long hours. So I regretfully declined.

But… I made all those little league games I would’ve missed.
My company wanted to send me to K2 in Uzbekistan in early 2002 on a military flight “for an undetermined duration.” And though it was a semi-safe civilian gig and would’ve been kind of cool, my boys were 6, 9, and 12 and my wife was working long hours. So I regretfully declined.

But… I made all those little league games I would’ve missed.
Good call brother. FAR more important.
This seems to be the tone for this war from the Ukrainians and I love it

I can imagine Zelensky's representatives traveling 4 hours round trip (or however long it was) to meet for "negotiations" with Russian representatives today, only to spend about 2 minutes looking around the room pointing at each one and saying, "Fuck you!", (point to the next) "Fuck you!", (point to the next), and "Fuck you!". Then turning around and walking out.
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Ukraine has lifted a visa restrictions for people wanting to join the fight against Russia. So there ya go. Or not.

But don’t. It ain’t gonna end well.

Save your strength for PRC vs Taiwan, NK vs ROK, coming soon to a theater near you.

If on a scale on 1-100 in difficulty (for either side) if this is a, say, 50, Taiwan/PRC will be 100+. 200 miles long, almost 80, 90 wide, 15,000 square miles, 100+ miles of water between them. Glad I'm not in plans and ops.

UK has greased the way for volunteers to go.

In other news Shell has pulled out of Russia, ceasing it's operations, and Maersk is considering not delivering to/from Russia or transporting Russian goods.