Verified Military
To your first point, are you serious? The current administration bleed this country dry in a matter of days with insane "climate change" policies, inflation, a dependence on foreign and terrorist lead countries with oil that we were INDEPENDENT of under the last administration, any talk of loss of money is worse than a fucking joke now IMO. We could pour a trillion dollars into Ukraine now and it would be meaningless compared to the insane/traitorous policies of our own politicians.
Second point, do you think we live in an isolationist void? That is what cost us things like WWII and 911. The world is connected now, that can't be avoided. Thank you IBMs.
I think people who don't want us involved are ignorant fools who should sit on their lawnchairs and STFU, and NO I won't get past that because I'm not prepared to see a modern Hitler destroy a civilization when I can do something about it. That includes you and your family, if you think you're different to Ukrainians then...
Your third point is nonsensical at best. Wishywashy nonsense, pick a side, make a stand and be a man. Fascism, totalitarian murderous regimes are bad, we kinda worked that out a while ago. Our money is meaningless, pour it on, Ukraine is supplying the blood and for a few bucks you are defeating your enemy, fuck man, be grateful!
The end point? Seriously? Russia is out of Ukraine. Fuck me, why I do I keep needing to say such simple shit!?
Actually I will respond. I wasn't but I will.
To your first paragraph, the two wrongs make a right argument will never win. Just because our government foolishly, maliciously, and childishly spends money like a drunken sailor doesn't mean it needs to continue.
For your second paragraph, World War I got us in the World War II, and you should know better about bringing up 911, especially that goat rope of Iraq and how we left things in Afghanistan. My point in bringing up your quote with Ben Franklin was in relation to what our early American leadership thought about getting involved in wars overseas and in entangling alliances.
Okay, I won't be wishy-washy. But a timetable and a budget on this thing and call it done. The US can tell all the other European countries that point they can shoulder the responsibility because we're going to be out.
Lastly, don't judge me. Just don't. You don't know me well enough to decide who I am or what I think. If you want to judge my ideological values or my stand as a patriot in the past 54 years of my life based on what I think about Ukraine, you do so to your very significant discredit.
I appreciate your posts and your insight. Be well, be safe.
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