US Army SOF Photos


U.S. Soldiers conduct a mission during exercise Emerald Warrior 2010 in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., March 11, 2010. The training is a U.S. Special Operations Command-sponsored mission rehearsal exercise involving multiservice participants. The exercise is conducted in multiple states and training sites throughout the southeast. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Clay Lancaster/Released)



U.S. Soldiers clear the top of a shipping container while on a mission during exercise Emerald Warrior 2010 in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., March 11, 2010. The training is a U.S. Special Operations Command-sponsored mission rehearsal exercise involving multiservice participants. The exercise is conducted in multiple states and training sites throughout the southeast. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Clay Lancaster/Released)



A U.S. Soldier clears a building during exercise Emerald Warrior 2010 in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., March 11, 2010.

A U.S. Soldier watches over an apprehended individual while on a mission during exercise Emerald Warrior 2010 in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., March 11, 2010. The training is a U.S. Special Operations Command-sponsored mission rehearsal exercise involving multiservice participants. The exercise is conducted in multiple states and training sites throughout the southeast. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Clay Lancaster/Released)


U.S. Soldiers watch over an apprehended individual while on a mission during exercise Emerald Warrior 2010 in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., March 11, 2010.


U.S. military personnel prepare to board a U.S. Marine Corps CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter during exercise Emerald Warrior 2010 in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., March 11, 2010. The training is a U.S. Special Operations Command-sponsored mission rehearsal exercise involving multiservice participants. The exercise is conducted in multiple states and training sites throughout the southeast. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Clay Lancaster/Released)


U.S. military personnel conduct training in preparation for exercise Emerald Warrior 2010 in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., March 7, 2010


U.S. military personnel conduct training in preparation for exercise Emerald Warrior 2010 in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., March 7, 2010. The training is a U.S. Special Operations Command-sponsored mission rehearsal exercise involving multiservice participants. The exercise is conducted in multiple states and training sites throughout the southeast. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Clay Lancaster/Released)
Awesome pictures, its been really busy around Hurlburt with everyone participating. I'm curious, whats with the green carebear?? High Value target?
An SF captain and members of his team combat-advise Iraqi forces prior to going on a mission. U.S. Army photo.

An SF Soldier from the 10th SF Group keeps a close watch on the recruits for the new An Najaf SWAT team. U.S. Army photo.

A busy check point in Hugna keeps this SF Soldier from the 10th SF Group on guard. U.S. Army photo.

Special Forces Soldiers recruit for the An Najaf SWAT team at the Najaf Police Academy. U.S. Army photo.
I had a teddy bear that was dressed in BDU's with Maroon beret that my son wanted me to jump with at least one time.

I packed Teddy in the ruck, jumped his silly ass with my gear and he's now a true paratrooper. :D Still have him somewhere in the garage.

That's probably his little girls and she wanted him to go out on an op. Also a family good luck charm type of thing.
I have a green frog(Lilly) that has earned the BTDT status. The one time I didn't have it with me I almost lost my hand...
Duece: Remember that Cherry red kevlar we had to wear the first jump in division?


Don't remind me. They actually put like 20 damn green Chemlights on it also. :uhh:

It looked like a damn glowing greeen Indian Head dress inside the bird.
I have carried a Batman PEZ dispenser on every jump i have made in the army. A girl gave it to me right before I went to Airborne and have had it in my Left bottom pocket on my ACU's ever since.
SFers providing security for gen. Stan McCrystal.

U.S. Army General Stanley A. McChrystal, commander of International Security Assistance Forces, disembarks a Black Hawk with Company A, 3rd Battalion, 238th Aviation Regiment, Delaware National Guard, Task Force Knighthawk, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, Task Force Falcon, to greet Afghan National Army commander during his visit to Korengal outpost as part of Operation Mountain Decent II, April 8. (Photo by U.S. Army Spc. Victor Egorov, 55th Combat CamerKUNAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan â€" U.S. Army General Stanley A. McChrystal, commander of International Security Assistance Forces, exits a Black Hawk with Company A, 3rd Battalion, 238th Aviation Regiment, Delaware National Guard, Task Force Knighthawk, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, Task Force Falcon, to greet an Afghan National Army commander during his visit to the Korengal outpost as part of Operation Mountain Decent II, April 8. During Operation Mountain Descent II, more than 500 Soldiers and nearly half a million pounds of equipment were airlifted out of the Korengal valley; this was the large-scale movement of U.S. forces out of the valley.

A U.S. Special Forces soldier walks through a field in Uruzgan, Afghanistan on April 24.

A U.S. Special Forces soldier looks through the remains of an electronic device in Uruzgan, Afghanistan on April 24.

U.S. Special Forces soldiers search for suspected Taliban fighters in Uruzgan, Afghanistan on April 24.

A U.S. Special Forces soldier speaks with village elders in Uruzgan, Afghanistan on April 24.

U.S. Special Forces soldiers and Afghan national army soldiers search a compound in Uruzgan, Afghanistan on April 24.
(when thinking about a SF Soldier) "think teacher, mentor, trainer" - xSFmed





U.S. Special Forces members assigned to the Operational Detachment-Alpha, comprised of members of the U.S. 7th SF Group, advise and assist soldiers assigned to the Belize Special Assignment Group during a recent marksmanship range exercise near Belize City, Belize. The ODA are mentoring their Belizean counterparts in an effort to build their military capacity and establish them as a special operations unit. The BSAG is key to countering the illicit trafficking taking place throughout the Central American nation.