Lets indeed. You will bet me a month's pay over faulty data? Again, these numbers are based on what data? As the one making the statement, the burden of proof falls on you. Otherwise your statement is nothing but posturing.
I'll bet a month's pay over exactly what I stated- that if we looked at all the police brutality cases in America, 51% of those cases would be white officers vice black/hispanic citizens. I don't know what faulty data you're speaking of, but we can narrow it down to cops that were either convicted or the city settle out of court, for ease. The only true claim I have made is that I would bet on that 51%. Which, still true.
Cops are constantly being accused of brutality where none exist. I was personally accused of excessive force (and cleared) because the woman did not like being told to not talk on her phone in the library. I asked her several times to discuss the issue outside and she forced me to place her into custody. Was that brutality?
Well, I don't really know, and I am ok with saying I am neither a lawyer nor a civil rights expert. Was it? Is that story relevant to a guy ending up with a severed spine, or being choked to death, or being shot while running away?
Personal observation? Ok let's play, as a street cop for almost five years (not at present) I saw the opposite of what you claim. However, we can't rely on my observations because they are only representative of a small portion of the population.
And that observation plays here. But, are you saying you saw black cops being overly aggressive with white people being arrested? Black cops systematically singling out and searching white people? Or are you saying that people were falsely claiming police brutality?
Sorry, this argument is ridiculous. This is not a Klingon Empire where the children are held accountable for the father's sins.

What happened prior to the enactment of the Civil Right's Act is within the realm of those generations. Those rioting in the streets had no dog in the fight within that context. Academically and legally this hold no relevance. The argument could even be made morally speaking, but I acknowledge that there is the possibility there is some relevance.
What is a klingon? Is that the dude that had to take the ring to that volcano or whatever?
I hate this argument. It always feels like, "Bro, I get it- your great great grandpa was a slave, and now you're sort of held to a different standard- get over it." Sorry man, until equality is truly reached, and we don't have to have these arguments anymore, it plays. It will always play. Again-
we dont understand this because we dont deal with it. Legally, it 100% is relevant. Playing the race card is a viable defense- granted, that's got a huge negative context and in that negative context (highlighting our race issue in a shitty way to get a client off of a crime he actually committed *cough* OJ), but the race card is there because we have to keep reminding people that this is an issue. It's not going away.
EDIT: Not saying you are condemning anyone. Believe me, I understand the frustration and worry at the possibilities that are going on here (Baltimore and across the nation). However, it does no one any good to constantly bring race into the picture before it is proven. If the officers are found to have acted with racial malice, then that needs to be handled. Until then let's wait till we have more data to reach a logical conclusion is all I am saying.
It's ok if you ARE saying that. Really.
I can be wrong, totally off. But I wont know until I have a conversation about it and can figure it out with my peers.
But I feel the exact opposite about race.
It does no one any good to fail to bring race into the picture before racism is disproven in our society. Until it is laughable that anyone would ever treat anyone different because of race (or ethnicity or sexual orientation or whatever), then we have to bring it up. And keep bringing it up. And keep talking about it. Granted, that's 100% personal opinion.
But I feel the opposite isn't advancement, it's comfortability with the way things are and that obviously isnt working.