Abortion Repeal?

The Constitution doesn’t address medical care, but states aren’t telling you that putting a cast on a broken arm is a Constitutional issue.

If you say this is medical care, you then have one hurdle to overcome. This comes down to whether you think abortion is or isn’t murder. That distinction is “when does life begin.”

I stand by my earlier post: this topic is religion masquerading as law. I’ll bet a dollar most pro-lifers are hiding behind the 10th Amendment when their true motivations are religious in nature. They also won’t say that, and that makes them cowards.
If the life is viable, it's no longer "your body". If someone can't make the decision before mid-second trimester, they're just killing a human being. I've dealt with enough friends and family who've miscarried and the impact it has on them. We've had members on this board who's spouses or partners have miscarried.

But we could go back to the whole personal responsibility piece of contraception.
Your religious views give you the right to tell someone what they can do with their body? That’s insane and probably illegal.

Credit where it is due though: you manned up and admitted that religion is driving your opinions.

All laws are based upon morality and ethics, all morals and ethnics are subjective (they’re not objective tangible things) and do not exist. Groups develop shared values and ethics, but that doesn’t make them *real*

I’m assuming you’re some sort of secular humanist or something. That has the same facets of a religion. Congratulations, you’re not above it all. You want your own ethics and values legislated too unless you’re some edgy teenager who posts about Max Stirner.
If the life is viable, it's no longer "your body". If someone can't make the decision before mid-second trimester, they're just killing a human being. I've dealt with enough friends and family who've miscarried and the impact it has on them. We've had members on this board who's spouses or partners have miscarried.

But we could go back to the whole personal responsibility piece of contraception.
This is *the* argument. Where does life begin?

It has zero to do with broads blabbing on about bodily autonomy.

Sorry but the state and other power apparatuses have been “telling people what to do with their own bodies” since the dawn of man. And no, the affect on the self vs others is a false dichotomy and a silly lolbertarian notion.

As far as abortion goes, go for it. It’s a form of voluntary eugenics. The people getting them usually aren’t the most fit to be breeding.

Genesis of Morality and Beyond Good and Evil are good reads for more perspective.
No. I've clearly stated above that I believe in freedom and that its not my problem or decision what anyone else does with their body.

This is such a lazy response “I believe in freedom”

What defines freedom? Some sects Marxists define it as being free from hierarchy in relation to economics. “Freedom” from the Capitalist class

American Libertarians have sort of reinvented the word and built off of Austrian economics (both having economics as the axiom of human nature). Hate to break it to you but the founders wouldn’t have agreed in totality with Rothbard. This even splinters into different variations like Hoppe’s version of right-libertarianism

Certain religious sects define freedom as being free from constrains of a state or entity that is in a power struggle with their faith / religious group identity

You’re assuming there is a single definition of freedom
This thread is about abortion, so if it wasn't clear, I was simply referring to the freedom to choose. You call it a lazy response? Okay. I didnt intend to debate the broader definition of freedom.
All laws are based upon morality and ethics, all morals and ethnics are subjective (they’re not objective tangible things) and do not exist. Groups develop shared values and ethics, but that doesn’t make them *real*

I’m assuming you’re some sort of secular humanist or something. That has the same facets of a religion. Congratulations, you’re not above it all. You want your own ethics and values legislated too unless you’re some edgy teenager who posts about Max Stirner.


You clearly know nothing about me and I don't care about you.

Have a great day.
This thread is about abortion, so if it wasn't clear, I was simply referring to the freedom to choose. You call it a lazy response? Okay. I didnt intend to debate the broader definition of freedom.
What defines freedom and life is intrinsically tied to this discussion
Lebensborn. —


Everything I don’t like is Hitler
What defines freedom and life is intrinsically tied to this discussion

Everything I don’t like is Hitler

Well stop using white supremacist talking points then dude.

I really don’t care about abortion, if anything it’s the last form of eugenics we have. Western countries already have a demographic and intelligence decline problem

As far as abortion goes, go for it. It’s a form of voluntary eugenics. The people getting them usually aren’t the most fit to be breeding.

FYI: I don't know jack about you, I'm not calling you (personally) a white supremacist. But if the things you say would be right at home over on stormfront, maybe you should reevaluate what you say/how you say it.
Lol, man idk about up or down on the issue. Personally, I think babies are a blessing and should be cherished. That said their are plenty of "chicks" out there that have no business breathing much less bring a child into this planet. I am not advocating sterilizing people based on their IQ and or stupid ass behavior. But removing the safety labels in life might be a start.

I will say, if a woman has an abortion, I don't feel they should get a second chance. Gut that chick and save some o'l boy the child support and heartache. Rape and incest obviously being an exception to the rule.
Lol, man idk about up or down on the issue. Personally, I think babies are a blessing and should be cherished. That said their are plenty of "chicks" out there that have no business breathing much less bring a child into this planet. I am not advocating sterilizing people based on their IQ and or stupid ass behavior. But removing the safety labels in life might be a start.

I will say, if a woman has an abortion, I don't feel they should get a second chance. Gut that chick and save some o'l boy the child support and heartache. Rape and incest obviously being an exception to the rule.

Lol, man idk about up or down on the issue. Personally, I think babies are a blessing and should be cherished. That said their are plenty of "chicks" out there that have no business breathing much less bring a child into this planet. I am not advocating sterilizing people based on their IQ and or stupid ass behavior. But removing the safety labels in life might be a start.

I will say, if a woman has an abortion, I don't feel they should get a second chance. Gut that chick and save some o'l boy the child support and heartache. Rape and incest obviously being an exception to the rule.

Bro. Come on.
I'm not gonna defend my opinion, because its obviously insanely provoking. But for curiosity sakes, how many abortions should a chick be allowed,who can't use birth control or safe sex, before as a society we say enough is enough? Just keep killing babies? Just eat a pill, vacuum that lil sucker out and start a new in 6 weeks?

My issues, is the consequences. A babies loses its life, while a dipshit gets to go on, keep keeping on, no shame in the game, until she gets knocked up by the right dude, and gets to tax that ass for 18 years...?

Nah, I think a one and done is pretty rough but yet right. I am not talking about a label and or curse. I am talking social responsibility, if you can't be responsible enough to own your actions, remove the ability and allow the shit people to die off, peacefully without draining our society and or adding a morally obtuse individual into the mix... someone has to pay, someone has to raise that kid.

And yes I am being provoking for a reason...🤨
Ok, cool.
About as deep as a kiddie pool 🤙🏻
I looked at your post numbers and time here and realized that this piece of culture isn't readily apparent to you- let me clarify a bit of "inside baseball".

Here on the board, when it's obvious that someone's rhetoric and nonsense are impenetrable to logic or resistant to intellectually honest discourse, it's a norm to respond "Cool!" and move on. It's a shorthand to say, "While your ideas may have merit, you're fielding those ideas like a world class gaping asshole, and whatever message you're trying to convey is lost in you being a twat".

You can apply that information however you'd like.