Favorite pistol caliber?

I recall reading exerts from the Falklands war, where people were being hit with the 7.62mm and not going down to the surprise of the Soldiers.
One article I read said the 7.62mm didn't perform as well as expected, inferior to the .303 previously fielded.

Unfortunately I don't have that info anymore.

The .303 would knock a donkey down!

I'm still cleaning mine up, but I can't wait to take it to the range.
I recall reading exerts from the Falklands war, where people were being hit with the 7.62mm and not going down to the surprise of the Soldiers.
One article I read said the 7.62mm didn't perform as well as expected, inferior to the .303 previously fielded.

Unfortunately I don't have that info anymore.

Is that the 7.62 NATO? The 7.62 NATO is has basically they same ballistic as the 06. .303 and 8mm Mauser all fall into that same group. Obviously not the tech weenie approach to ballistic data.

I'll ask a Falklands war affectionatto on this. See what I can dig up. I would like to know more.
The .303 would knock a donkey down!

I'm still cleaning mine up, but I can't wait to take it to the range.

Yep, the .303 has been used on every type of game on the planet I'd wager.

I own several, the MKIII SMLE is my favourite rifle of all time.

Is that the 7.62 NATO? The 7.62 NATO is has basically they same ballistic as the 06. .303 and 8mm Mauser all fall into that same group. Obviously not the tech weenie approach to ballistic data.

I'll ask a Falklands war affectionatto on this. See what I can dig up. I would like to know more.

Yes 7.62x51mm used in the British SLR (FN FAL).

I hate to admit it as I love the round but all the data Ive seen says the .303 is inferior to both the 8mm and the 30.06.

There are two pieces of info I recall that I would love to find the source of, this and something on the reliability of the Vickers gun, I will find them one day...
If memory is right (need to check data) the .303 has less horse power than the other two (8mm and 06).

Yes, I believe that's true, but at the end of the day it's meaningless really, the .303 is a superb round that performed very well for about 80 years or so in Military use.
For those of you that have shot people down range, is there an average number of rounds it takes to eliminate the threat, 2 or 3? I realize using Hornady TAP 75 grain here in LE or for SD is a more superior round than the 55 gr or 62 gr ball ammo used by the military and that shot placement is paramount. Just curious if we can draw a conclusion as for generally how many rounds, accepting the fact that certain incidents will be more or less.

Nope there is no magic number and no magic bullet size. All this posting about what this bullet does and what this other bullet does, don’t mean shit… Recoil and “muzzle flip”:rolleyes: is gun design and shooter dependent. Bad guy being killed is bad guy and shooter dependent.

I have seen hadji take rounds to the nugget and not die and then I have seen hadji take 2 to 3 burst from a 240B and get back up. Your chances of stopping the bad guy are always better if you hit brain, spine, vital organ, vascular system or pelvic bone. But there is never any guarantee on anything.

I carry a 9mm b/c I realized along time ago that those big calibers don’t make a lick of difference when it come to killing. It is all about shot placement! You can have a .50 cal and 500 rounds, unless you can hit me with it, it won’t mean shit…

These so called bullet experts need to spend some time on the two-way shooting range and then tell me what really matters…:2c:
Most exactly. It is the tech weenies that get all excited about a 0.00001 of inch difference. It works and IMHO, that is what is important.

Indeed, it's effectively saying the .303 only has 3.7 times more power than it needs to kill a human whereas the 30.06 has 4 times the power needed to kill. :uhh: lol
It is all about shot placement! You can have a .50 cal and 500 rounds, unless you can hit me with it, it won’t mean shit…

Like I said.

These so called bullet experts need to spend some time on the two-way shooting range and then tell me what really matters…:2c:

Couldn't agree more.

Also, to add, Will is right that in most cases (Unless you're on a SWAT, SRT, HRT etc) that the general qualification requirement for most departments is 2 twice a year. With that said, most officers (Good ones anyway) know this and spend a lot of their own time and dime either at a range of their choosing or larger departments also make range time and it's use available for their officers and officers from smaller departments as well, for this very reason.

And in the event you wind up laying down your own clnk for ammo, lots of suppliers offer LE discounts which lessens the sting. With all that, there's no excuse for any officer I know of to not set the example with a B27 and his shooter.

But again, only in a perfect world.......(still waiting on my electronic pulse rail gun
Indeed, it's effectively saying the .303 only has 3.7 times more power than it needs to kill a human whereas the 30.06 has 4 times the power needed to kill. :uhh: lol

The .303 is the shit from 800 to 1200 yards.
Shooting face is great, but it's real tough when they.... just.... won't... hold.... still. >:{
"My favorite? The one I have in hand at the time.My favorite? The one I have in hand at the time."

Okay now zip up and put that thing away, your gonna scare someone or poke an eye out!!! :eek: