We 100% need some quality InstaPot recipes posted. I just got mine for Christmas and barely use it because I don’t know what the hell to do with it.

Did you sear the pot roast first?
Yes, most meats (except for chicken) they recommend to sear first.

Cool feature: put a whole frozen chicken In there. Manual for 30 minutes. Comes out delicious
We 100% need some quality InstaPot recipes posted. I just got mine for Christmas and barely use it because I don’t know what the hell to do with it.

Did you sear the pot roast first?

There's a couple of instant pot recipe apps, I have them on the iPad; Remote Control and just Instant Pot. They have some good recipes on them. I've also seen a lot of recipes on different recipe sites as well.
I always sear, it's flavour. Chicken, if I can get it out in one piece; I toss it under the broiler to crisp up the skin. I've done chicken and dumplings, duck a l'orange, corned beef, pork and beef roasts, whole chickens and a few soups. It's excellent for making stock.
Now I learned a new thing, as google time instead of What the fuck is chicken a l'orange ;)

Thanks @RackMaster. I'm not gonna bet by the name it's Cajun kitchen and instead hit uncle Google up. It sounds delicious tho. (Thumbs up).
Now I learned a new thing, as google time instead of What the fuck is chicken a l'orange ;)

Thanks @RackMaster. I'm not gonna bet by the name it's Cajun kitchen and instead hit uncle Google up. It sounds delicious tho. (Thumbs up).

It's a fancy French thing. I made it for my wife for New Years.
“First” Instapot dinner last night.
rack of Baby Backs, rubbed with sea salt, peppercorn, and brown sugar.

Poured some wine, scotch, and apple juice in and let it go for 28
minutes. I used the riser and simply wrapped the meat around the inside of the pot.

be sure to remove the membrane (with a blue shop towel you can pretty much peel it off) and trim the fat; these can be SUPER fatty.

Slow steam release for 15 minutes.

Pull the ribs and layout on platter. Mix the “juices” into a bowl with your favorite BBQ sauce and layer the sauce on with a brush.

let rest 20 minutes.

after 20 minutes, sear, reheat the ribs on the grill over med heat. I went about 2 minutes per side and then let sit on the grill for 5 minutes under indirect heat.

Falloff the bone delicious 😋
My goal is to be a better cook. To cook healthy food.
I'm not Paleo or even Paleish these days, but that period of time made me such a better cook. I learned healthy doesn't mean boring. You can make amazing food. Although of late we've been on the boring side since I've been trying to cut weight.

A lot of white rice, lean protein, and broccoli. But we also made some nutella mini-muffins that we have with breakfast!
I'm not Paleo or even Paleish these days, but that period of time made me such a better cook. I learned healthy doesn't mean boring. You can make amazing food. Although of late we've been on the boring side since I've been trying to cut weight.

A lot of white rice, lean protein, and broccoli. But we also made some nutella mini-muffins that we have with breakfast!

Yeah I can't eat boring food.
Yeah I can't eat boring food.

There such a thing? What do I imagine under 'boring' food?

I mean got a picture for stereotypical as yeah, after time of SSDD even the best meals get old, just not sure what to think of under boring.

Cheers on becoming better cook goals, though. And very much the same... a lot of 10 yo girls I know are better cooks than me. Don't think you hit that low. ;)