Wow, my buddies department carry the TLE custom II’s and they have nothing but great things to say about them. To be honest every Kimber I have picked up as been dead nuts on and a very well put together 1911. I was actually planning on picking up a TLE II next week and I am damn sure not spending that kind of money on crap.
I guess I will have to do some video’s on it’s performance at the range, so we can see if Kimber was just fucking with LAPD
All I can say is, speak to the people who truly have the creds as to what makes a "going to war" quality 1911 (Yam, Vicker, etc), and Kimber will not be on that list. Were I going to spend around what the TLE costs, an SA TRP up to SA pro would be my choice hands down, and I don't own any SA guns as of yet. Had I not gotten the SnW Custom 1911 for the $$$ I did, would have gone the SA route. Gun manufacturers, as you know, make deals with various depts, etc to supply in return for some bragging rights in their ads, so costs, politics, etc, etc often plays a much larger roll as to what X group ends up with. I'm not claiming to creds to be an authority on this topic, but I have done the homework via those that are, and can only direct you in their direction. Yam is a friendly guy generally happy to converse with people, and is one of, if not the, most respected 1911 smith (and an FBI agent I recall) in the biz, bar none.
BTW, due to the fire pin safety system in my S&Ws, it's a range/IDPA/course gun, not a CCW/combat gun. Kimber has the same system in it (see Yam's comments above) and by all accounts, S&Ws system has been better vetted out, as has their EE, which Kimber had to give up on finally due to so many problems with their EE.
It's the general opinion of those who are true authorities all all things 1911 for duty/CCW/going to war uses, that the Schwartz system represent a not acceptable risk to reliability and thus can't be recommended for those uses. That does not stop some depts. from using them however. I'm only passing that along, I have a first gen S&W 1911 with at least 30k-40k on it, and no issues with the Schwartz system, but I also will not CCW with it due to warnings from those who know more then I do on the topic.
That's just my :2c: and passing the info I have developed on the topic.