Long day of football for the pup...
... Flat-Coated Retriever...
Well, just got a phone call I did not want to get. Dropped off our grey for some dental work and the vet said his kidneys are in very bad shape. They recommended we take him down to Purdue because they have a 24 hour vet hospital where he could be given a liquid therapy, but he's been pissing away protein, so by giving him all these fluids it will flush away more. That option is also out financially, which really sucks to say since he's a part off our family. When we took him in after his seizure, they didn't find anything out of the norm but they did see a lower level oif protein then. Because he ate and drank fine (his kidney valves were also okay) they ruled out kidney disease. In hindsight it appears now that it was a direct correlation between the two. I want the best comfort of life for Jake, but at the same time...
I just don't know what to do beteeen what's best for him and sadly what I can afford.
Yes, we took him in last night for blood work before they gave him anaesthesia to pull a tooth for today's surgery. They have not proceeded with the dental work. One option is for them to do the IV work there, but there is that risk with it being the weekend that it maybe up to 12 hours of no one being there, hence they recommended we drive the couple of hours to Purdue.
He's as hungry as he's always been. His energy is down some, but he's not lethargic. His kidneys are operating at about 15%, which is dangerously low. The vet does not even know how he can walk, let alone still go out for a jog in the evenings (we just go around the block).
He's at the Vets office getting an IV treatment. He should be home Monday.Damn, bro. I'm sorry for your loss.
He's at the Vets office getting an IV treatment. He should be home Monday.
He's at the Vets office getting an IV treatment. He should be home Monday.
Wife brought him home last night. He's got end stage kidney failure unfortunately. So now it's on to monitoring his quality of life. For now he's eating and drinking fine, including keeping down his food. We have to remember to not be selfish though, which seems way easier said than done.
I'm sorry to hear the prognosis, but glad he is home and doing OK for the moment. Did they give you and IV bag, line and needles to do sub Q fluids at home?
I'm heartened to see you write the bolded parts. People seem to forget that this isn't about you now, this is about him, your feelings are inconsequential to his suffering.
I was rarely sad at euthanizing an animal as it was to relieve the animal's suffering. I used to get upset and angry when owners said to me
"We can't end his suffering because we aren't ready to face it yet."
Remember, you know Jake better than anyone, you will know when his quality of life falls below the line. Some of the most obvious signs are eating and acting normal for him. Listen to him and you will know when it is time.