TR (Teddy). He's sitting in his toy box that used to be a laundry basket. Yes...he has that many toys.

TR is awesome @Ocoka One !
Dogs are awesome.The story: My grand daughter Kate was visiting for a couple of weeks. One day she had a full blown "I want my mommy" attack. There was nothing I could do to settle her down, and calling mommy at that time would have just fed into it. From outside, and blasting through the dog door comes Brandy. Brandy jumps up on the bed, and burrows down between Kate and the bed. Five minutes later, they are both sleeping on the bed:
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Brandy's nickname is, "Snuggle Bug".
The story: My grand daughter Kate was visiting for a couple of weeks. One day she had a full blown "I want my mommy" attack. There was nothing I could do to settle her down, and calling mommy at that time would have just fed into it. From outside, and blasting through the dog door comes Brandy. Brandy jumps up on the bed, and burrows down between Kate and the bed. Five minutes later, they are both sleeping on the bed:
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Brandy's nickname is, "Snuggle Bug".
Huskies are amazing.Beaut of a dog. Love Siberians but want a Malamute.With my bad eyesight is she Siberian or MALLIE?
Huskies are amazing.Beaut of a dog. Love Siberians but want a Malamute.With my bad eyesight is she Siberian or MALLIE?
I've had two really exceptional dogs in my life. Max was a black lab, super playful and loving, but a full on protector. While I was deployed on my first trip, someone tried to kick in the front door to our house while my ex-wife was home. Max jumped on top of her and faced the door barked and barked until whoever it was was gone. He got distemper while I was deployed and had to be put down. It crushed me. Max was taught to fetch with a rolled up sock as a puppy. His favorite thing to do was go hunting socks, and he would find and bring them to you. Hampers be dammed.
The other dog is my current black lab Texas. All the same qualities of Max, but with a bit more of the protecting instinct. He scares the shit out of anyone who comes close to my family that he hasn't met and conducted his approval ritual with. He still gets between my mother and the kids when she visits, not aggressive, but just there in case. His favorite thing in life is fetching a ball and when I leave the house, he stays by the front door facing the door until I get back. He is a hugger and needs a hug every day, and we have our chat's about every other day where he moans growls and barks as I ask him questions. I'm actually quite convinced he understands English very well.
Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of Max, my ex-wife tossed them in the trash with a ton of other personal keepsakes during our divorce.
But this is Texas
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I am sorry that you lost Max. Texas is a beautiful Lab!
Yeah that one still bothers me. Apparently he got out of the backyard, animal control picked him up and called my ex, she decided to leave him in there a few days to teach him a lesson. He got distemper while there. I still have his ashes on my dresser, really loved that dog.
Texas has been amazing with my family and especially with me. He brings out my softer side and keeps me busy when I'm being a bum. Couldn't ask for a better dog.
Thank you.