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What over the counter medicine has anyone given their dog for allergies?

You mean like sneezing?

My buddy's dad is a Veterinarian- he gave me the tip of giving my pup Benadryl when he had some foot irritation and would not stop licking it.
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He is biting his rear foot. Figured we would try an OTC before taking him in.

We have spent over $3000 on our Dachshund for what was believed to be allergies. He has been on everything under the sun to try to clear it up. Last month we did another allergy (blood) test on him and it again showed no allergies. So far, nothing works.

If you find something, please let me know because I am tired of spending money on the ole guy and nothing helping him.
One of the Vets I was talking with a few days ago, will go as high as 75 mgms of Benadryl for canines of 50 + lbs with sleep issues. I'm not sure what the mgm/kilo is in animals. Benadryl seems to be a pretty safe medicine for Canines.

Looks like a 1 to 1lb ratio. We ate doing half that for right now to just make sure that he is okay taking them.
TR got hurt today. Robbie was chasing him, they were playing, and TR went full-tilt right into the 4x4 post that holds our basketball net. Little guy cried, his left foreleg was dangling and I thought he broke it. But it looks like he just banged it real hard. He's starting to put a little weight on it but still limping very gingerly. We gave him doggy aspirin and he's been resting on his blanket in the kitchen. We'll see how he is tomorrow. If no improvement I'll take him to the vet.

Dogs. They worry me almost as much as my children did when they got hurt.