Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Funny how the host talks about acting like kids, but that man, who opposes their delusions, as naive as he may seem, appears to be the only adult in the room.

Begs the question how often do adults cast off "adult naivete" as "childish" while at the same time, lying, scheming, embellishing, extrapolating, manipulating- all inherently childish behaviors. It's so ironic
This is just sad. It could have been an uneventful day for both sides. But one Russian decided to rather die for Putin. Really sucks for the others. RIP. Seems that at least one Ukrainian was wounded.

CNN are pure filth. The video is pretty conclusive, a Russian pretended to surrender and then opened fire on the Ukrainians hitting at least one Soldier. There was naturally a firefight and the Russians were all KIA at the end of it. This is an example of what brainwashing can to people, maybe the Russian soldier thought he was going to be killed, they are being told they’ll be eaten by the Ukrainians if they surrender. It’s abundantly clear to everyone that Russians don’t follow any kind of rule of war so actions like this are not surprising. What a backwards shitty people.
CNN are pure filth. The video is pretty conclusive, a Russian pretended to surrender and then opened fire on the Ukrainians hitting at least one Soldier. There was naturally a firefight and the Russians were all KIA at the end of it. This is an example of what brainwashing can to people, maybe the Russian soldier thought he was going to be killed, they are being told they’ll be eaten by the Ukrainians if they surrender. It’s abundantly clear to everyone that Russians don’t follow any kind of rule of war so actions like this are not surprising. What a backwards shitty people.

I get that pro-Russian media would try to spin this into an execution. But what the heck got into ome of the Western media outlets ... Smh.
... thought he was going to be killed, they are being told they’ll be eaten by the Ukrainians if they surrender...
I remember watching the inprocessing of a detainee in Afghanistan shortly after I took over the exploitation process with the Task Force. Tough Afghan fighter. Started crying when we ordered him to strip as part of his intake. Very standard procedures to make sure they're not hiding anything, and to document any injuries or marks they have so they can't say how we abused them in captivity.

Turns out he and his comrades were told that the first thing the Americans would do after capturing someone is rape them. He thought that it was about to go down.

Another detainee thought that 9/11 was the Taliban/Afghan response to the American invasion of Afghanistan.

"Ignorance is a helluva drug..."
CNN are pure filth. The video is pretty conclusive, a Russian pretended to surrender and then opened fire on the Ukrainians hitting at least one Soldier. There was naturally a firefight and the Russians were all KIA at the end of it. This is an example of what brainwashing can to people, maybe the Russian soldier thought he was going to be killed, they are being told they’ll be eaten by the Ukrainians if they surrender. It’s abundantly clear to everyone that Russians don’t follow any kind of rule of war so actions like this are not surprising. What a backwards shitty people.
Similar occurred in the Falklands; some Argies wanted to surrender & were under a white flag. Two or three Brits came forward to accept & were killed. The remaining Brits fixed bayonets...:(
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Some of them aren't exactly pro-Western. If the media can't find a bad story, it will create one for the clicks and ads.

I know. But you'd expect more from pro-Western ones.

There isn't a lower bound to CNN's shitty behavior.

I'm not even surprised there. CNN isn't even able to simply quote something, they literaly just played on their own channel.

Think of General Milley's statement what you like, but the man didn't exactly say anything controversial. All he suggested, was that the chances for Ukraine to push so hard militarily, that they regained control over Crimea any time soon, weren't high. So Ukraine should at least try to negotiate from a position of strenght, after another Russian defeat. Just for a chance, however slim, to try solve it politicaly.

CNN hosts on the other hand claims he said, it was unlikely for Ukraine to achieve an outright military victory against Russia. Not what he said. At all.
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Putin will never return Crimea to Ukraine. I know Ukrainian peace conditions include the peninsula's return, but they need to be a little realistic here and drop that demand.

I think Crimea should return to the Ukraine, but that hunk of land is such a big deal to Putin he won't let it go.
Putin will never return Crimea to Ukraine. I know Ukrainian peace conditions include the peninsula's return, but they need to be a little realistic here and drop that demand.

I think Crimea should return to the Ukraine, but that hunk of land is such a big deal to Putin he won't let it go.
I could see a "Korea type" ceasefire with Russia occupying Crimea while both sides "negotiate".
I really hope he won't have a choice in that matter, but to let go. How many times are they gonna get away with their holier than thou fascistoid land grabs. They went straight for the capital ... It will only continue, or become even worse. Their rhetoric and actions are very clear on that and what they want and it won't stop with Ukraine. Give them a finger voluntarily and they'll demand the whole hand. It's always been so.
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I really hope he won't have a choice in that matter, but to let go. How many times are they gonna get away with their holier than thou fascistoid land grabs. They went straight for the capital ... It will only continue, or become even worse. Their rhetoric and actions are very clear on that and what they want and it won't stop with Ukraine. Give them a finger voluntarily and they'll demand the whole hand. It's always been so.
I agree, but we need to be pragmatic. The Ukraine lacks the ability to drive to, and conquer, the Crimea. The two “separatist” areas? I see that happening, but not the Crimea.

I don’t like that answer because I think the Crimea belongs to Ukraine. I don’t like or agree with appeasement. Maybe the most likely scenario where the Ukraine takes back the peninsula is Putin’s overthrown and the new government cedes it to the Ukraine. A military solution is unlikely to impossible and Vlad will not give up that piece of land.
I really hope he won't have a choice in that matter, but to let go. How many times are they gonna get away with their holier than thou fascistoid land grabs. They went straight for the capital ... It will only continue, or become even worse. Their rhetoric and actions are very clear on that and what they want and it won't stop with Ukraine. Give them a finger voluntarily and they'll demand the whole hand. It's always been so.
Yep. Appeasement never works. It only encourages worse things later on.