On Nov. 3 I made a post where the Soviets were down 1306 tanks destroyed or captured. 15 days later that number is 1379. Every two days another tank company is destroyed which is the armor capability for 7 battalion task groups.
Definitely a war of attrition. Using the old 3:1 force ratio for offensives, it certainly doesn't appear the Soviets are in a position to advance anywhere for awhile and they're not in complete control of any of the four regions Putin annexed. Even if they had the numbers, they clearly don't have the experience. Winter is coming.On Nov. 3 I made a post where the Soviets were down 1306 tanks destroyed or captured. 15 days later that number is 1379. Every two days another tank company is destroyed which is the armor capability for 7 battalion task groups.
Watching the Ukraine strategy will be interesting. Do they ignore Crimea and the two areas under Rebel control (pre Feb2022)? then go after those areas? Do they retake everything except Crimea? Will Putin allow Crimea to fall?Definitely a war of attrition. Using the old 3:1 force ratio for offensives, it certainly doesn't appear the Soviets are in a position to advance anywhere for awhile and they're not in complete control of any of the four regions Putin annexed. Even if they had the numbers, they clearly don't have the experience. Winter is coming.
How much longer does Putin have and then what?
100k in less than a year? That’s insane and I have to wonder how much has Ukraine lost. has to be as much or more right?
Anything that happens will be attributed to Ukraine by the people (regardless of actual cause). That is good as it scares the Russian populace. Putin now has more issues on his plate.Reports are starting to come come in of a gas explosion in/near St Petersburg.
On Nov. 3 I made a post where the Soviets were down 1306 tanks destroyed or captured. 15 days later that number is 1379. Every two days another tank company is destroyed which is the armor capability for 7 battalion task groups.
Is this is reference to my comment?I can't see how Afghanistan compares to the war in Ukraine.
Afghanistan was a low-mid level conflict. Ukraine is mid-high level
Strategic weapons (aka nukes) are the only thing missing from the war in Ukraine. Imagine tank v tank battles in Afghanistan, or if the Taliban had cruise missiles and reapers.
No. Post #2297Is this is reference to my comment?
Don't want to fight? To Gulag with Britney Griner you go!