Russia hasn't been at a negotiating table since they were outside of Kiev. I don't see them coming to the table until they've been beaten out of Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, and Luhansk oblasts.
A diplomatic solution requires a relatively willing partner, right now Lavrov and Putin ain't going to no table. So I don't understand the posts about Ukraine must do nothing when they don't acknowledge the genocide and other war crimes committed by Russia. Ukraine would come to the table if there was a serious offer, even when the Russian Army was miles outside Kiev and the offers weren't serious (Russia wanted half of Ukraine), Ukraine was at the table.
You have an odd way of putting words in someone's mouth. Nobody has said that "Ukraine should do nothing"

I said Ukraine needs to get right with Crimea and eastern separatists region becoming autonomous governments, with Russia within the Russian border, and that Ukraine needs to take a neutral position between NATO and Russia, if they want to survive as a country and not become a nuclear dump.
For fuck sake, the sensationalism you're projecting is ridiculous. Nothing new about genocide by Russia or many other eastern European countries, over the last century. I am not excusing it or saying it doesn't matter, we have ways of dealing with that post conflict, nothing new there. Nuclear war, kinda a different fucking story.
Again, the point is a third party, who could negotiate a non-nuclear war, and bring an end to this mess, is in the Ukrainians and Russians best interests...
I mean what are you arguing for? They killed massives amounts of Ukrainian citizens, so we should not intervene and allow it to turn nuclear, so more Ukrainians can die? Russia should pay in blood? NATO should go to war with Russia?
Russia is a fucking nuclear power, and willing to use them... Get real dude, we are not burning the globe down for Ukraine...

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