Pelosi Home Invasion--Paul Pelosi Attacked With Hammer

Don't forget the shitty old school bus in the front yard as well.

This one?
This is funny, and back to one of my many rants about the news and its "coverage" of events.

‘There was a third person inside the house’ during attack on Paul Pelosi

The headline "'There was a third person inside the house' during the attack on Paul Pelosi." Cool, we discussed this earlier, right?

But that's it for the link above. The host discusses it with the reporter, who confirms the detail, and then they hang a right at Albuquerque. They immediately go into DePape's social media history and this crucial detail of "Why in the hell is there a third man here" is never discussed. Click bait headline, no real details, moving into filler bullshit which does nothing for the story but add airtime to the segment.

The media are vermin. Here is this massive, very legit story to pursue, and everyone's chasing butterflies like a 6YO on a soccer field. Disgusting.
This is funny, and back to one of my many rants about the news and its "coverage" of events.

‘There was a third person inside the house’ during attack on Paul Pelosi

The headline "'There was a third person inside the house' during the attack on Paul Pelosi." Cool, we discussed this earlier, right?

But that's it for the link above. The host discusses it with the reporter, who confirms the detail, and then they hang a right at Albuquerque. They immediately go into DePape's social media history and this crucial detail of "Why in the hell is there a third man here" is never discussed. Click bait headline, no real details, moving into filler bullshit which does nothing for the story but add airtime to the segment.

The media are vermin. Here is this massive, very legit story to pursue, and everyone's chasing butterflies like a 6YO on a soccer field. Disgusting.
Why follow up on any leads? We all know that this is the result of a vast right-wing conspiracy, caused by Trump and "ultra-MAGA" Republicans.
So was the attacker also in his underwear? I'm reading conflicting reports. Initially, I thought that only Mr. Pelosi was in his drawers. That seemed pretty normal to me. But then I start hearing (here and elsewhere) that both of them were nearly-naked. Now for a crazy nudist who like to break into peoples' houses and attack them with hammers, maybe that's not unusual street wear. I mean, it is California. But two old dudes wrestling around in their underwear? Yeah... that's a little sus.

But when I go to read up a little on it, it seems that the "attacker was in his undies" part has been redacted?

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story misstated what clothing the suspect was wearing when officers found him.

Guys, it’s getting to the point I cannot tell the difference between internet sarcasm and real news. (Whatever that is)

Is there actually something to this “male prostitute” bit or is it just garbage internet rumors/gossip?

Guys, it’s getting to the point I cannot tell the difference between internet sarcasm and real news. (Whatever that is)

Is there actually something to this “male prostitute” bit or is it just garbage internet rumors/gossip?
I'm unclear. This goes back to the "first reports are almost always wrong" thing that we've all talked about numerous times over the years.

Was the attacker undressed? Did he break in, or was the damage to the home done by the responding cops? Was there a third person there? I don't know the answers to any of those questions right now.
The open doors are damage free. The busted doors don't appear to have been opened since the damage occurred. Wouldn't someone entering via the busted doors get cut all to hell?

I don't know what happened there that night, but I have a hard time believing the "guy broke in, Pelosi grabbed his Dewalt AFH and attempted to repel boarders. The police arrived, Pelosi complied and dropped the AFH, then the assailant picked up the hammer and went all Mario the Plumber on Pelosi's skull.

Maybe it IS that simple, but this mysterious third guy no one's talking about, coming on the heels of the DUI a month-ish ago...the story doesn't feel right. Pelosi wasn't in the news much for the last how many years? Now this guy has two stories about him in less than 60 days? From a media that is largely on his side?

Maybe I'm paranoid or just that mistrustful of the media these days, but this story doesn't seem right.