ShadowSpear Cigar Thread

I smoked a Cuban cigar with one of my sons last week. He was given four of them by Orlando Hernandez (El Duque), the Cuban former Yankee right-hander...they've become golfing buddies.

There was no band on them so I don't know what brand they were, only that they were genuine Cubans...and I suspect top shelf stuff from a guy who's a big star in his homeland. Tasted great, but I'm no expert. If I get another one I'll send it to Ooh-rah for a review.
I smoked a Cuban cigar with one of my sons last week. He was given four of them by Orlando Hernandez (El Duque), the Cuban former WHITE SOX WORLD SERIES CHAMPION right-hander...they've become golfing buddies.

Fixed it for you. And that's awesome. I had just gotten back from a patrol and went straight to the MWR tent as the 7th inning of game 4. After the Sox won I celebrated with an O'Douls.
It was one of these kinds of nights....

@Ooh-Rah Have you had a 90th Anniversary yet? I'm hopefully having one this weekend if I can find one locally.

You may enjoy tomorrow evening's pic :sneaky:

Please do not buy a 90th. I have a few extra and will send you one. You were good enough to send me some very good IPA last year, let me return the favor.
As you progress in your cigar journey, I recommend match lighting. Here is the technique that I always use when applying matches....

I was on a security job in the outback and rolled into a servo (petrol station) to gas up. On the counter was one of those cheap humidors that usually hold the el cheapo variety. There was a cigar box inside there with 6 Cohiba Esplendidos, so I made an inquiry and it turns out the boss had been to Cuba on holidays but had got bored with smoking them. I asked how much to buy one and the guy said I could have all six for $A60....Bargain...

Cohíba Espléndidos - Cuban Cigars
These days I have been working thru my Cubans...I've got a number that have been rest well over a few years. If you are looking for something more easy to find, (and priced) I am always a fan of the Montecristo White series....otherwise nearly anything from Tatuaji.
These days I have been working thru my Cubans...I've got a number that have been rest well over a few years. If you are looking for something more easy to find, (and priced) I am always a fan of the Montecristo White series....otherwise nearly anything from Tatuaji.

I have a friend going to Mexico City and he has offerred a box of cigars as a house sitting payment.

Can you give me three brands (low to mid range cost wise) that he can look for?

I have a friend going to Mexico City and he has offerred a box of cigars as a house sitting payment.

Can you give me three brands (low to mid range cost wise) that he can look for?

Absolutely -

I cannot tell by your post if he is planning on buying them in Mexico? Personally I would recommend against that, counterfeits are too prevalent. Trust me, you don't want to smoke a cigars rolled with...'whatever'.

That are my 3 go-to's whenever I am looking to get a fresh box. You cannot go wrong with these....

- Liga Privada No. 9 Corona Doble
- Tatuaje 10th Anniversary Belle Encre Perfecto
- Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra

I don't know your humidor situation, but be sure to use humidipaks! Let me know if you need more info about those.

To add...I'm not saying you cannot get good cigars in Mexico, but you have to know where you are going. Especially if you plan to get Cubans....
Send me a PM or ask in this thread and I'll get into more details on where to go if the plan is to get sticks in Mexico.

To add part 2....if you really want Cubans though....don't trust Mexico. Just don't. Let me know and I'll send you a few sites that are 100% reliable.
Absolutely -

I cannot tell by your post if he is planning on buying them in Mexico? Personally I would recommend against that, counterfeits are too prevalent. Trust me, you don't want to smoke a cigars rolled with...'whatever'.

That are my 3 go-to's whenever I am looking to get a fresh box. You cannot go wrong with these....

- Liga Privada No. 9 Corona Doble
- Tatuaje 10th Anniversary Belle Encre Perfecto
- Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra

I don't know your humidor situation, but be sure to use humidipaks! Let me know if you need more info about those.

To add...I'm not saying you cannot get good cigars in Mexico, but you have to know where you are going. Especially if you plan to get Cubans....
Send me a PM or ask in this thread and I'll get into more details on where to go if the plan is to get sticks in Mexico.

To add part 2....if you really want Cubans though....don't trust Mexico. Just don't. Let me know and I'll send you a few sites that are 100% reliable.
He will be working out of the embassy, but please send me the site so I can order my own.