Gonna have to keep an eye out for this one.
His documentary on the Dutch Special Forces is on Youtube and has a lot of that combat footage and "Jack". It's been out for a while, so I wonder if this is going to be additional footage?
"Jack" is clearly a American, so was he imbedded with a joint SOF team or are you referring to another documentary he did? Either way I'd like to see both but would deff be interested in seeing the one on American SOF. Last one I saw was a NatGeo one which was interesting but incredibly sad and tragic with how it ended.
Good video...I love it. Some moment's make me reminds me of my time in Afghanistan (probably and some of you here), especialy part of working with Afghan ANP guys. I hope it's not repost
I think the team daddy turned out not even to be a legit SFer
Nice! I really liked it, thnxGood video...I love it. Some moment's make me reminds me of my time in Afghanistan (probably and some of you here), especialy part of working with Afghan ANP guys. I hope it's not repost
Apparently he faked some documents and knew the Company SMAJ or some such thing and it was never looked into real hard. It was a NGSF ODA. One real fucked up event after another.WTF? How does that happen?
Apparently he faked some documents and knew the Company SMAJ or some such thing and it was never looked into real hard. It was a NGSF ODA. One real fucked up event after another.
This still boggles my mind. ... It seems like any number of things would've raised a bunch of red flags for something like this.
Kellerman was slick that is for sure. I never met the guy but know other team guys who had known him for years and they had no clue. The documents he provided were immaculate and since he supposedly attended the SFQC prior to ATRRS coming on line there was no digital records to give him away. It happens...
As for the video(s), the need for attention that some SF guys display when posting these videos on the internet astounds me. The look at me, look at me mentality or display of such should get guys RFS'd and sent to mother Army ...
At first, I thought it was the 2/19th zulu from OIF in 2006, I'm assuming that this story is a 20th SFG one.