How do you think the (future) Cuban imports (that is from Cuba) will stack up with the American market?
Great question - a few things you need to consider:
- Because of the embargo, and the fact the general population of the United States spends quite a bit of money on quality non-Cuban cigars, a number of the quality rollers from Cuba have left and gone to Nicaragua and Honduras. (Davidoff, Drew Estates, and Tatauje for examples).
- The Cuban cigar market is already running at full capacity - many of the best sticks need to have their tobacco aged for years, the US has found ways to buy Cuban cigars on the net now, and so demand is beginning to tax available resources. A good example being the Cuban Montecristo #2 - that particular stick has long been the gold standard of quality - each box hand rolled, inspected, and packed by one person. Not so much anymore - now a particular box may have cigars in it that have been rolled by 2 or 3 different people, it is almost assembly line like.
- Currently it is legal to possess Cuban cigars in the U.S., but it is not yet legal to sell in bulk. That is why you do not see Cigar International and JR Cigars selling them online yet, but word is they are beginning to hoard them, just awaiting the green light.
- There are MANY cigars that from countries outside of Cuba that far exceed the average Cuban cigar in both quality and taste. Davidoff being a great example, and as I mentioned above, sticks from the Liga Privada line, Tatuaje, and Illusione.
All that said. Once the embargo is ended, Cuban cigars will flood the US Market. And most will be crap. Internet retailers will sell shit-sticks and put fake Cuban bands on them. Corner tobacco stores (cigarette) will have mini-humidors, uncared for, full of "Cuban" cigars. They will be everywhere.
Personally, I would recommend finding a quality online retailer outside of CONUS (most are in Switzerland) and start a relationship with them. There are a few in particular that I can think of who will ensure you are only sent quality sticks, and will back that promise up. Let your buddies buy garbage, over produced, and possibly fake sticks at 7-11, you make sure your Cuban sticks are worth smoking. Otherwise don't waste your time or money.
Anyone reading this is welcome to PM me and I will be happy to send you some recommendations. (and possibly even a cigar or two!)